Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Online dating is more popular than it has ever been, and the numbers are growing. The number of people signing up for free dating sites is growing, and the number of marriages attributed to online dating with it. In 2008, over 100,000 marriages were credited to free dating sites, that is a lot of people who have found love online! Recent statistics show that over 30% of all Americans have either used an internet dating site or know someone who has. There are over 300 million people in the United States, That means over 90 million people have dove into the world of online dating!
One of the biggest problems people face when they first start using free dating sites, is what do I put in my profile? Well, we can't answer that for you, but we can give you some general guidelines for free dating sites to help increase your appeal.
- Avoid Being Negative: Have you ever gone out with a person who only wants to talk about their ex, and does nothing but talk about their negative experiences? This is a major turn off, to both sexes, so try to avoid this at all costs.
- Try To Be Unique: Another mistake a lot of people seem to make is not giving enough information on free dating sites, or even worse, giving the same information everyone else does. For example, "I like to go out to the movies, long walks on the beach, watching TV, etc.". Just about everyone says something along those lines, keeping it original may boost your responses.
- Screen Out The Undesirables: Your profile shouldn't be made to just get as many responses as possible (this is fine if that is your only goal of course), you should also have information dedicated to turning away the type of person you do not want to be with. For example, if you do not like smokers, and will absolutely not ever date a smoker, state it on your profile.
If you go by these guidelines, they won't in and of themselves guarantee that you will find a mate using free dating sites, but they will help you get more responses from the type of person you are interested in. Remember never to post personal information on free dating sites, and to be selective about who you give your phone number to. So what are you waiting for? Millions of people are using free dating sites, that special someone may be out there waiting just for you!
Labels: online dating
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