Sunday, September 27, 2009
Seal the Deal - What You Need to Know to Make Him Fall in Love
Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:10 PMAre you ready to seal the deal? Ready to move on into a deeper part of your relationship? Do you want to know what you will make him fall in love with you? Do you long for a real relationship that is full of love? You can learn what you need to know to make him fall in love with you and seal the deal.
Love Does Not Equal Lust.
Often times lust, sexual attraction, and even a sexual relationship gets mixed up together with the idea of love. This is really easy for a man to do, but often women think that he must love her because he wants her. This can happen because it is harder for a woman to have sex without love. The best thing to do is to keep sex out of it for awhile so that love can grow before sex gets in the way.
Touch His Heart.
It is important that you work on touching his heart. You want good feelings to come to the surface when he is around you. Make this happen by being positive in his presence, having fun with him, and being there when he needs a friend.
Build Your Friendship.
Somewhere along the line the rumor that if you and him were friends it would kill the romance. However, this isn't the case. Love and romance can be a part of a great relationship, but friendship is also an important part of it. Work on becoming his friend. By becoming his friend you will be working to seal the deal.
Let Him Be Slow.
Men often drag their feet when it comes to relationships. It takes time for them to be sure. They aren't willing to jump on it and even if they are in love they want to make sure. Let him be slow and give him the space he needs to make the steps that it takes to get from here to there.
You can get him to fall in love and seal the deal. You just need to be patient. Recognized that love and lust are different, touch his heart, become his friend, and give him the space he needs to let it all grow. Then he will come to you with more!
Labels: love and date
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