Sunday, September 27, 2009
Still Waiting For Him to Commit? 3 Things You Can Do to Get Him Ready
Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:48 AMHave you been wondering what you can do to get him ready to take the plunge toward commitment? Are you still waiting for that commitment and starting to get tired of it? Have you made the commitment to your guy, but wonder when he will do the same? You certainly are not alone. Women make commitments to men all the time while wondering when they will hand up their hat and make that same commitment to them. There are three things you can do to get him ready to commit to you.
Time To Play.
If he hasn't made a commitment to you then you don't have to make the commitment to him. Sometimes dating other men when you really only want one can be hard, but it also gives him a taste of his own medicine. Most guys won't want to share you and will want you all to himself.
Live Your Life To Its Fullest.
You don't need to sit around waiting for his every phone call. Instead continue on with life. You can let him be an addition to your life, but not your life. Go out with friends, take a trip with out him, and make sure you do that day of shopping. This gives him time to realize that without a commitment he can't expect you to be there when he wants you and you will be busy sometimes.
Don't Always Be Available.
Even when you aren't busy, you want to have times when he doesn't have access to you. This gives him some time to realize that to have more of you he needs to commit. Plus the heart grows fonder with a little absence.
By using these three things in your favor you will get him ready to commit to you. It may take some time, but as long as you are still having fun and building a friendship when you are together he will want you all to himself and will make the commitment necessary to make that happen.
Labels: dating
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