Thursday, September 24, 2009
The bond that holds a relationship together is very fragile. In order to keep a relationship healthy and flourishing, you must build it up and maintain it. Yet no matter how well a relationship is maintained, break-ups still happen. Break-ups can be frustrating, stressful and mentally overwhelming. If your break-up is not caused by something you did, the first thing that probably comes to mind is REVENGE... But if you really want your ex back, that is not the best first step.
One of the first steps to take that actually places your ex in an interesting position is to show them how important you are and were to them. This will not only make you feel better (and kind of "get back at them") but may also strengthen the relationship. How do you do this without seeming pompous or arrogant? Well here are 5 tips to not only get back at your ex, but to help you get your ex back.
1 - Show strength. Your ex is not looking for a clingy, needy partner. No one is... so you have to stop begging, whining and showing signs of desperation. Act as if you have moved on and are not in need of them anymore. Show that you are strong and have decided to accept the break-up, have moved on and will not let it stop your life. You are going to live life to the fullest with or without them. Okay, I know this is going to be hard for you to do since you really want them back but you must be strong and get this done.
2 - Slow down communicating with your ex. You are probably thinking that if you slow down the communications with your ex then they will forget you. WRONG... Stop communicating for a while and your ex will wonder what happened? They will start to think more about you instead of less. Your ex will be wondering if you found someone else or how you are taking it so well. Just let your ex stew for a while. As they say, "silence is golden but also builds curiosity". This will give your ex time to think, clear their mind and see how important you really were to them.
3 - Have flexibility. Do not demand that your ex get their belongings out by a certain date or time. Do not force them to move out. Be flexible and undemanding. Be sympathetic and start to listen to what they have to say without getting mad or fighting. This will throw your ex off their game. They will see a different person than they are used to "a new you". This may inspire them to slow down the break-up and take another look at the situation.
4 - Do not be a hermit! You have to go out and not be stuck at home wallowing in self pity. If there is going to be a party, do not let it be a "pity party". Call up some friends and, even better, make some new ones. Make some new friends of the opposite sex. You do not have to date them but just go out and have a good time to get your mind off the break-up. Find entertainment or social events to attend with interested parties. Even better if your ex sees you out having a good time with members of the opposite sex showing you interest. Your ex will start to think about what they have lost.
5 - Be yourself. Your ex was attracted to you in the beginning for a reason. Remember back to the way you were when you two first met and go back to being your self again. This will bring back memories to your ex why they fell for you in the first place. This renewal will bring back your self-confidence, which will surely rub off on your ex.
This is just a few of the ways to get your ex back...
Labels: restart your relation
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