Sunday, September 27, 2009
Don't Call Him, Let Him Call You - Advice For Women on Calling Men
Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:06 AMMost of us have heard all kinds of advice about dating men and telephone calls. One particular suggestion seems to get the most attention. Don't call him, let him call you is what many people believe you should be doing when you're interested or involved with a guy. But does this advice really work? Can you really increase a man's desire and interest in you if you relax on calling him and let him do it instead?
The reason so many women believe that don't call him, let him call you works so well is because it truly does. As women, our natural instinct when we really like a man, or when we begin to develop more serious feelings for him is to be in contact with him as much as we can. Most of us have been guilty of calling our boyfriend way too often. Some of us have even been subjected to him screening our calls and then ignoring us. The reason men do this is simple. Men don't want to be chased. They want to do the chasing. If you start pursuing the man you are interested in, he's not going to fall for you because he thinks aggressive women are attractive. He's actually going to be turned off. Nothing kills a man's interest quicker than chasing him down.
If you two spend an evening together and he says he'll call, give him the benefit of the doubt. Don't sit and scrutinize why he hasn't called after a day, or two or three. Instead focus on your own life. Go out with friends and have fun. Don't wait by the phone. If a week passes and you haven't heard from him, the rules still don't change. Don't call him, let him call you. If he's into you, he will. Don't forget that men use telephone calls as a way to test women too. If you're too quick to pick up the phone to call him, he'll know he's got you hooked. If you sit back and wait, he'll find you instantly more attractive.
You need to always remember that men and women view phone calls, emails and text in very different ways. If you make the mistake of calling too frequently, at the wrong time or before he's ready to hear from you, you can actually turn him off. Women unwittingly ruin their chances of a future with a man because they are too over eager to hear from him. Don't let this happen to you. For more answers to the age old question of when you should and shouldn't be calling the man in your life.
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