Thursday, September 24, 2009
If you are thinking "how can I get my ex girlfriend back," it shows the breakup may not have been so distressing that the relationship cannot be saved. Provided that your ex girlfriend has some feelings for you, there may be a way to salvage the relationship. If you hurt her feelings then, now is the time to apologize and move toward getting your ex girlfriend back. If you apologize, make sure you are sincere. This is the first step for healing the relationship.
A woman loves when a man shows his sensitive side.
Showing you are sorry for the breakup and for your actions can start the process toward getting back together. You must show her that you are willing to change and correct the original issue that caused the breakup. Tell her that you miss her and the relationship, but do not beg, whine or bicker.
Show her that you are genuinely interested in her and the way that she feels. Be sympathetic and sorrowful for anything that you did to cause her disinterest in you. Listen to what she has to say and hear her out. Discuss what you can do to help her feel differently about you and the relationship.
This does not guarantee that she will want to get back together, but it will start the healing process. If she does not respond to your actions of sorrow, then back off or readjust what you are doing and saying. If sending her a card or flowers irritate her, then maybe she is looking for something more personal.
Try using a blank card to write a personal note, apology or verse that caters to her likes. If it is a verse, it does not have to be a Hallmark card type verse, just something with personality and compassion. If sending flowers, try putting together flowers that you personally pick out, arrange and deliver yourself.
Most women think that men are not thoughtful enough. You may have taken her for granted and not shown her enough attention in the past. Show your ex girlfriend that you can change and be different in your thoughtfulness. It may not get her back immediately, but it is a good first step. Any positive action you can take toward her will add up toward the goal of getting your ex girlfriend back.
She may not respond if you were thoughtful and did special things for her in the beginning of the relationship and then stopped later. She may doubt your "changed" personality this time. Do not get frustrated or give up on your efforts, just be consistent. Do thoughtful things for her because you still love her and want her to happy, not just because you want to get back together. It will show and she will be able to sense it if you are doing it for the right reasons.
Is it possible to get her back by dating someone else?
If a lot of time has passed since your breakup and you are doing things to show your ex girlfriend that you want her to be happy, then an occasional date will not hurt. It may even make your ex girlfriend wish she was your date, but do not take it too far. Do not flaunt it in your ex girlfriend's face or date someone else to belittle her.
Is there a way to get your ex girlfriend back if she has a boyfriend?
This definitely makes it more difficult but not impossible. You never know when her new boyfriend might do something that she does not like and you want to be there when he does. If she can rely on you as a friend in difficult times, she may start to miss you and the relationship. Even if getting back together seems hopeless, do not give up. It may take some time, but keep being thoughtful toward her and show you do really care for her happiness.
If it looks like she is over your relationship and you do still want her back, then send an occasional card or note. It may be the perfect day that she needs to hear something nice and you are the one who says it. This can impress her and change the way she feels toward you.
Do acts of kindness without expectations. She WILL sense your thoughtfulness and appreciate it.
If your true love has dumped you and you want her back, there are more steps to take. If you want your ex girlfriend back and you feel like you are dying inside, then you need to take the next steps.
Labels: restart your relation
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