Sunday, September 27, 2009
Becoming Exclusive - 3 Things You Should Be Doing to Get His Commitment
Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:22 AMAre you ready to become exclusive? Do you wonder how to get his attention and his commitment? Are you waiting for your relationship to progress from dating to exclusively dating? Do you wonder what you can do to get him to join your level of commitment in your relationship? There are three things that will help you get the level of commitment you desire, so that you can become exclusive to one another.
See Other Guys.
That may sound counterproductive to becoming exclusive, but by seeing other guys you will find out how much he cares. If he really cares then he is likely to have a problem with you seeing other guys and in turn will show signs of it bothering him. On the other hand, if it doesn't bother him than you should move on and dating will help you find another guy.
Build a Friendship.
It is important that your relationship be build on more than just "dating". You will want to work on building a friendship. Take an interest in his hobbies, interests, and work. Spend time with him doing the things he likes. Make sure you talk to him as well.
Don't Be Too Available.
You should spend some time with him and work at making this time really special. Make it fun and exciting. At the same time don't be there all the time. Don't take every call, don't jump at every date, and don't be there for his every whim. Continue on with your life. This will do several things. First, it will make him realize what he is missing when you are gone. It will also let him know that he has no right to expect you to always be there if he has no hold on you. Finally, it will make you seem less disparate. You don't need him to have a good life, he is just a bonus rather than you wanting a relationship so bad that you are always hanging on him.
These three things will work on getting his commitment. If you are wanting to be exclusive you will need to get his attention by seeing other guys, become his friend, and make sure you spend time apart. The next step in your relationship is just around the corner.
Labels: dating
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