Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A blow-up, a breakup and "poof" she is gone. Now you are asking yourself "what can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?" You run back through your mind exactly what led up to the break up and what could have been done differently? Okay, a love letter, an apology, some flowers and she will be back...wrong! It will probably take more than that to get the relationship back on course, if at all.
You may think that you have it all figured out but usually the real reason behind a breakup may not be apparent. Women have a tendency to get extremely emotional and sometimes do not really know the deep down reason for a breakup. Sometimes, it uses up more energy than it is worth to try to figure out the real reason.
Instead of spending all of your energy thinking about what to do to get your ex girlfriend back, it may be better to let it rest for a while. Put your energy and time into other things. Go out, socialize and have fun. Make new friends and do not dwell on women for a while. Establish some goals to add to your skills of meeting people and the art of seduction.
Allow yourself some time to work on changes in your life. Time away from your ex girlfriend may help to "heal" the relationship. This will give you and her time to think about your relationship and for you to make changes to yourself. A few months away from each other will give you a new prospective on the relationship and how you would like to proceed.
You need to decide if you really love her, want her back and are willing to do whatever it takes to get her back. Ask yourself the tough questions: Do you really want her back? If not, are you ready to move on? Then take steps to follow your answers. If you do want her back, then you need to try to figure out how she feels about you.
If you do want her back and you think that she still has feelings for you, then it is time to make a plan. Begging, pleading or getting emotional with your ex girlfriend will not work.
Sometimes the road to success is not straight or narrow. It is time to play it cool and play somewhat hard to get. Do not take this too far as it might backfire, but a woman wants what she cannot have. Show her that you are doing fine since the breakup and your life will go on. This may inspire her to think about you and your relationship. By now, she may be missing you as much as you are missing her.
Try not to over analyze the situation. Just be cool and take it slow. Putting too much thought into it and trying too hard can be detrimental to your success of getting your ex girlfriend back.
Make a plan, follow the plan and do not do the same thing you did before that may have caused the breakup. There are more in-depth steps to take to complete your plan.
Labels: restart your relation
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