Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Is your marriage that you once thought would last forever, crumbling around your ears? Have you and your partner hit a turning point in your relationship that could either go one way or the other? Do you think your marriage is irretrievable and heading headlong down the dizzy spiral towards divorce? If this is you, then you need to find answers, and you need to find them fast. So in order to answer the question how can I save my marriage quickly, you need to act now!
Like you, I was in a desperate situation when my marriage was all but over. I was endlessly searching for that one solution, that one quick fix that would give me all the answers on how i could save my marriage fast. I knew i couldn' t do it on my own and I needed help, but I just didn' t know where to turn. So in desperation the only thing I could think of doing was to start begging my partner for forgiveness, even though I knew it wasn' t all my fault. this only made the situation worse. It wasn' t until I learned to start thinking rationally, that I thought I might be able to save my marriage quickly!
I began to realise that If I was going to repair my marriage I needed to look at myself, not the faults of my partner. If change was going to happen then I was going to have to initiate it. So I started to look at my partner in a different light. Thinking back to the day that I met her and how she made my heart skip a beat every time I saw her.
A good thing to remember is that your partner might have changed, but then again, probably so have you! So try to focus on the good things about your partner and think about how they have enhanced your life and what they bring to the partnership. If your partner feels that you are compassionate and caring, then this will reflect on them and they will feel more positive towards you.
Labels: save marriage
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