Thursday, September 24, 2009
This is not the way to go about getting your Ex back or how to repair a broken relationship. It’s based on a true story, but I have changed the names to protect their privacy.
Betty was stunned to see the risqué pictures she had taken for only her ex-lover’s eyes posted on a fake Facebook site with her name. If her ex-lover had thought this was the way to get Betty back, he was very wrong.
Betty had ended her relationship with Zack in January 2007 after she realized their relationship had no future. But Zack refused to accept that the relationship was over. He sent text messages begging her to take him back. Betty refused. Yet because they worked in the same building, they saw each other every so often.
“It worried me that he didn’t seem to be getting over it”, she says.
And then in early 2008 the pictures began appearing on a fake Facebook site in her name. At first Betty thought it was a one-off, but then 10 more pictures appeared. She contacted Facebook and the police. The pictures were removed and Zack was charged with harassment.
So what should have Zack done if he wanted to win Betty back? Obviously not what he did.
I have a friend was has extensively researched and written about getting one’s ex back and how to restore broken or deteriorating relationships. His advice to Zack may seem counter intuitive, but the advice is that as a first step Zack should have agreed with Betty that the relationship was over. The reasoning is that the first step is to become an “ally” of your ex, not remain the “enemy”. If you agree, then you’re on the same side. But that is just the first step. There is a whole plan of action that Zack could have taken.
My friend has put his advice, for both male and female, in a short book form, available on the Internet. Literally thousands have benefited from his advice and restored broken relationships. It seems it is never to too late to get your ex back.
Labels: restart your relation
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