Thursday, September 24, 2009
No doubt there is a certain amount of tension involved as well as apprehension. But you know it cannot go on this way forever.
What makes you so nervous is that everything in cyberspace up to this point has been wonderful. It seems like the first thing the two of you do when you get off work is log on. Then time flies as you chat, laugh console and encourage each other to the wee hours of the morning and beyond. Sure you are tired the next day you go into work but not really. The energy the two of you generate is enough to sustain you thru the day; or at least to that first coffee break.
You connect with your cyberdate like no one you have ever met offline. And in many ways that is what is making you nervous; taking this relationship to the offline world.
While there have been a number of online success stories, you are probably also familiar with many others that did not work. Two people that were the epitome of soulmates online met for the first time in the non cyberspace world and for whatever reason it did not work.
In fact a more accurate description is dating disaster. Maybe one person or both were not totally truthful with each other. It could be that like you and your cyberdate, they talked so much, that when they met face to face there was nothing left to talk about. Or the chemistry online just did not survive the transition to the offline world. It happens.
But you cannot let fear of what might happen stop you from taking that next step. You want to meet this person and they have hinted strongly that they feel the same way.
The truth of the matter is there is no assurance things will work. But that goes for just about everything in this world.
To see if that online chemistry was the real deal stay away from the traditional movie routine. It is tough enough to get to know someone but sitting in a darkened theater for a couple of hours is going to make it that much harder.
Instead mentally go through that catalog of online chats and see if you can suggest something which is fun for both of you while maintaining the interaction you need to get to know each other better. Like miniature golf? That is a good way to share some time together. Stay away however from being overly competitive. With some people any little game makes them aggressive to the point they have to win no matter what. That can be a serious turnoff. Keep in mind this is supposed to be a date not a tournament.
Maybe you both are serious art lovers. Find a museum. Walking around discussing which paintings or sculptures you like and dislike is a very good (and subtle) way to get to know each other.
No matter what you choose make sure it is an environment that you are both comfortable with. Not only does that mean places where you can get to know each other better but safety; namely yours and theirs. If they are who they say they are, then they will greatly appreciate your watching out for them.
After a few false starts with online dating you have finally met someone that you like a whole lot. They could even be that special someone. But there is no way you will ever know that unless you meet them face to face. Yes it can be scary. You are working without a net so there is no guarantee that it will be the greatest date of you life; or even in the top ten.
Do not let any of this dissuade you. In fact be excited. This is your chance to use those online conversations to have an even better time and potentially build a deeper relationship.
Labels: tips of online dating
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