Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Should Single Dating People Trust Love Lyrics To Work For Them In The Art Of Flirting?
Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 9:26 AM
Love is a strong feeling which cannot be explained. If you ask every one about its definition, you will realize that every definition or description is unique. Love and relationship therapists have tried their best but all the theories end up being completely different. There has been a lot of confusion on what love really is since the age of love. Many single dating people pour out enough love lyrics to confess their love for each other but sometimes it comes out as mere flattery. How should you show love? Is there a formula to communicate the feelings? The words "i love you" do not seem enough since the phrase is being misused a lot even in the art of flirting. Many nice guys are having problems with dating since they express in a more subtle way.
Since the age of love, single dating relationships have been faced with a lot of challenges. Nobody knows exactly how to react to which reaction. Some declarations such as "i would rather die than live without you, i do not breathe when you are away" are some of the love lyrics which most people love to hear. This is sheer flattery and yet it does miracles in relationships. If you do not send such a message to a girl, she will soon or later turn her back on you. Is this what we call love? I have never heard of a person who person who died because of being away from her lover and neither have witnessed any one stopping to breathe. This is the art of flirting at play and it is ironic that every body knows it is a lie and yet they believe in it.
The world since the age of love is full of wonders. May be that is why they say love is blind because single dating people seem to think with their hearts but not their minds. The art of flirting is employed in every step of dating to convey love. The love lyrics do not have to be necessarily meaningful or relevant. If you critically analyze the sense in them, you will be surprised to learn that only a few make sense. I have watched people walking hand in hand along the streets. One thing i noted is, not all hand holding singles are in love. The ones who are not passionate about each other exhibit plain and dry atmosphere but two people who are head over heels in love with each other will always put forth an unseen but almost tangible wave of heartfelt emotions.
Many are the times we feel love and see love in other people but we find it hard to define it. Since the age of love it has made many things fall apart and it has as well built some. Single dating lovers find themselves in hot soup when they try to date to impress. It is sad that the bible definition of love is not existent in the seemingly perfect dating relationships. The world has conformed to the stubborn kind of love. Words used as love lyrics in the art of flirting has occupied a bigger space is peoples' hearts compared to actions.
Labels: dating
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