Tuesday, September 29, 2009
When you start bawling your eyes out and crying to the whole world, "my marriage is dead", you might want to stop for a moment and seriously consider if it is truly dead. Have you even tried working through you and your partner's differences?
Before anything, you have to stop thinking my marriage is dead. Quit being negative and figure out what could have happened. It takes both to make a marriage work, and both to ruin it. Stop pointing fingers and accept the fact that you are also at fault for your marriage heading downhill. Once you're passed the denial stage, you can sit down and have that all too important heart to heart talk. This is your chance to lay all your cards down, and hear out the concerns of your spouse as well. Make amends, compromises, anything that will help you work things out, if you're really serious about saving the marriage.
It's easy to forget how you guys started out to begin with, especially with the stress of parenthood. It's always advisable to go away for awhile, away from the stresses of day to day life, and away from the kids. Take a vacation with just the two of you, to recapture moments lost. It helps to be able to clear your mind of all your worries for a couple of days and remember why you got married in the first place. You can also agree on having date nights. Schedule it around your kids' schedules, and keep it anything but routine. Lack of excitement can, and will, contribute to loss of interest. If that didn't work out, try a different tactic before you go on telling yourself my marriage is dead. There's always marriage counseling, although, you might want to consider going there first.
Labels: restart your relation
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