Tuesday, September 29, 2009
4 Mistakes You Should Never Make If You Want Your Ex Back! Do Not Ignore This at Any Possible Cost
Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:16 AMBreaking up is the worst thing that could happen to any couple. Most of the time, there's at least one person in the relationship that is willing to give it another go. If you're the one that's been dumped, it's very damaging to your self-esteem and you may end up doing illogical things. If you want your ex back, there at least 4 mistakes you should avoid to not blow your chances.
Playing dirty - Going around and telling embarrassing stories about your ex may help you feel vindicated, but only for a short time. If your ex catches wind of these stories, he/she will get offended and may not even consider speaking to you ever again.
Begging - Apologizing and calling your ex's voicemail and leaving hundreds of messages may seem like a good way to get back together, but in reality, it isn't. Making yourself look pitiful demonstrates your insecurities and may lower your value in the eyes of your ex. It won't be attractive to anybody, for that matter, so keep your composure.
Stalking - Forget about showing up at your ex's doorstep or office everyday and checking on her email and social network accounts if you know the passwords. It is very tempting to know if there is a new person in your ex's life and if he or she is better or a loser, but it won't do you any good and it is invading her privacy. Your ex will find all these activities out sooner or later and he or she might just find all that lurking creepy.
Threatening - If you scare your ex, there is absolutely no way the person will come near you, much less get back with you. This will most likely get you a restraining order, and not another chance with your ex.
Labels: restart your relation
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