Thursday, September 24, 2009
You have lost your boyfriend and he has moved on. Are you asking yourself "how do I get him back now?" You may think since he has moved on, it is over forever...or is it? Do not act as if a "black cloud" is hanging over your head and following you around. Pull yourself out of the doldrums and make a plan to get your ex boyfriend back. Here are some simple tips to help you get your ex boyfriend back even if he has moved on to another woman.
1 - First, you must examine the way your ex boyfriend thinks and find a way to attract him back to you. There are a number of options to get him interested in you again. One is to remember back to what got him interested in you in the first place. Was it how nice you were to him? How much you made over him? Did you cook for him or was it the fact that you two went out and had a good time?
2 - One thing that you must learn to do is to be friends with him, like you were at the beginning of the relationship. It may be very hard to do especially if he is seeing another woman, but if you really want him back you must grit your teeth and do it. Be nice, friendly and genuinely caring toward him. Men hate drama, so do not be the drama queen. Joke around and have fun when you talk or see each other. Keep the conversation interesting and light. Once the drama and emotions have subsided from the break up, he may realize he wants you back.
3 - When you do communicate with your ex boyfriend, be kind and nice but do not act needy. It is okay to have a little attitude to show him that you have accepted the break up and you are okay with it (even if it still hurts, do not show it). Make it seem that you are a little hard to get but still open to communications. This is a process and not an overnight transition of "well, he is back."
4 - As you are playing a little hard to get, make sure that he knows that you are still available. It is a delicate balancing act. It is okay to be somewhat flirtatious with other men as a little jealousy may peak his interest in you again. Men never want a woman that other men do not want. At the same time, be careful with this. If taken overboard, it could backfire and drive him farther away. You want him to think that others are pursuing you, so he will want to chase you too.
5 - Do not act clingy or desperate. If your ex boyfriend sees desperation in you, then he will not take your feelings toward him seriously. Be cool and let him know that you accept the break up and are willing to move on. This may make him take another look at what he is missing in you and the relationship. He may not want to "let go" forever.
6 - When in your ex boyfriend's presence and he is looking at you or you think that he is looking at you, look back at him out of the corner of your eye. This side glance will let him know that you are paying attention to him, but you are a little mysterious. Men like a woman that is a little mysterious and intriguing. Give him the "you want me but cannot have me...maybe" look.
7 - Hint at some of the "good times" that the two of you had before. Do not be over-bearing about the past relationship, but casually remind him of the "good times" that you know he enjoyed with you. Do not be vindictive or hurtful by bringing up any of the bad times, as this will not make him want you back.
These are just the first steps to take to get your ex boyfriend back. There are more simple steps that you can take that will insure your success for getting your ex boyfriend back.
Labels: restart your relation
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