Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ways To Save My Marriage From Divorce – 2 Proven Ways That Work!
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:46 PM
A couple of years back I was in a desperate situation. My marriage was sliding down the slippery slope towards breakup quicker than I could say "ways to save my marriage from divorce" Trouble was, I just didn't see it coming until it was too late! I knew that we were having a few more arguments than normal, but I thought that this was due to the added pressure of work. By that time my relationship had all but broken down. My partner was hardly speaking to me, and even when we did, it inevitably ended up in yet another row. If you are in the same situation I understand your pain and I know what you are going through. What you need to do is read on, as this article offers valuable information that helped me, and will indeed help you to save your marriage, and stop divorce before it happens.
One important lesson to learn is that you need to start thinking rationally instead of emotionally. I know this is easier said than done, especially with what you are going through right now, but believe me, if you start to look at things from a different perspective, in a calm way, then this will have a positive effect on your partner, and eventually on your relationship.
Another way is to start focusing on yourself, not in a selfish way but in a self reflective way. Cast your mind back to when you first met. How did you feel about your partner? Think about all the good things that your partner brings to your relationship. Think about yourself and where you have changed and at what point your marriage started to go wrong. If you start to act more collectively and positively then this again will have a positive effect on your partner. and indeed will help to save your marriage
Labels: save marriage
Is your marriage that you once thought would last forever, crumbling around your ears? Have you and your partner hit a turning point in your relationship that could either go one way or the other? Do you think your marriage is irretrievable and heading headlong down the dizzy spiral towards divorce? If this is you, then you need to find answers, and you need to find them fast. So in order to answer the question how can I save my marriage quickly, you need to act now!
Like you, I was in a desperate situation when my marriage was all but over. I was endlessly searching for that one solution, that one quick fix that would give me all the answers on how i could save my marriage fast. I knew i couldn' t do it on my own and I needed help, but I just didn' t know where to turn. So in desperation the only thing I could think of doing was to start begging my partner for forgiveness, even though I knew it wasn' t all my fault. this only made the situation worse. It wasn' t until I learned to start thinking rationally, that I thought I might be able to save my marriage quickly!
I began to realise that If I was going to repair my marriage I needed to look at myself, not the faults of my partner. If change was going to happen then I was going to have to initiate it. So I started to look at my partner in a different light. Thinking back to the day that I met her and how she made my heart skip a beat every time I saw her.
A good thing to remember is that your partner might have changed, but then again, probably so have you! So try to focus on the good things about your partner and think about how they have enhanced your life and what they bring to the partnership. If your partner feels that you are compassionate and caring, then this will reflect on them and they will feel more positive towards you.
Labels: save marriage
When you start bawling your eyes out and crying to the whole world, "my marriage is dead", you might want to stop for a moment and seriously consider if it is truly dead. Have you even tried working through you and your partner's differences?
Before anything, you have to stop thinking my marriage is dead. Quit being negative and figure out what could have happened. It takes both to make a marriage work, and both to ruin it. Stop pointing fingers and accept the fact that you are also at fault for your marriage heading downhill. Once you're passed the denial stage, you can sit down and have that all too important heart to heart talk. This is your chance to lay all your cards down, and hear out the concerns of your spouse as well. Make amends, compromises, anything that will help you work things out, if you're really serious about saving the marriage.
It's easy to forget how you guys started out to begin with, especially with the stress of parenthood. It's always advisable to go away for awhile, away from the stresses of day to day life, and away from the kids. Take a vacation with just the two of you, to recapture moments lost. It helps to be able to clear your mind of all your worries for a couple of days and remember why you got married in the first place. You can also agree on having date nights. Schedule it around your kids' schedules, and keep it anything but routine. Lack of excitement can, and will, contribute to loss of interest. If that didn't work out, try a different tactic before you go on telling yourself my marriage is dead. There's always marriage counseling, although, you might want to consider going there first.
Labels: restart your relation
How Do I Get My Ex Lover to Desire Me Again? This Will Make Your Ex Think About You All the Time
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:33 AMBased on this question, it means that there some sort of dwindling physical attraction that caused the relationship with you to go awry. In this case, you must go within yourself and find out how you can change for the better in order to attract him back to you. You may have to change physically in order to do this. Here is what you can do to make your ex want to have you back.
First, you must be willing to undergo major changes in your life style and personality. Do things out of the ordinary for you. This will help us at the fact that you need to change in order to get what you want. Perhaps you need to exercise more, eat less and do everything you can change how you look. Unfortunately, this is the sad truth that you have to face.
Secondly, after the physical change come the personality changes. If you look good, you will feel good about yourself and earn more confidence to face the world. Through this, when your ex sees you he will then realize what he missed. If this happens, the attraction and love may come back to him, which will make him return to you.
As a third tip, make him chase you. Do not sound too desperate to have him back in your life just yet. This way, it will keep him interested. As a fourth tip, make it seem like you do not want him in your life at all. This will turn the tables and he will want you back for sure. Men want to be wanted, and if you take that away from them, they will surely return to you pleading to be loved.
These are just some of the tips that will surely make your ex desire you even more.
Labels: restart your relation
How to Get a Girl Addicted to You - This Will Emotionally Persuade Girls to Like You
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:32 AMYou don't need to have good looks, money or hypnotize girls so they will be addicted to you because they it won't feel natural and spontaneous. You don't even have to struggle to attract girls nor impress them. If you develop a system derived from years of research and trial and error method, it will be easy to meet awesome girls and get addicted to you that everyone watching you will be in awe at the kind of life you live. These tips will give a stunning first impression too good to be ignored.
For you to be able to have the confidence that girls find attractive in a guy, you have to make sure you look presentable all the time. Be in shape and compliment that body with cool clothes. It will boost your self esteem and it will radiate in your personality because you feel it in every level of your being.
Be casual and pleasant to everyone. Ask a common friend to introduce you formally. Trust factor is established quicker this way, without you even trying.
A good sense of humor is essential and she will look forward to more of these if she goes out with you. You don't have to be a comedian to do this. If you don't have any sense of humor, you can tell her about a movie she might have watched and that will keep the conversation going for the night.
Girls don't like guys who are selfish and arrogant. Be considerate with her, pay attention to her looks, and give her genuine compliments. These actions will let her know that she is special in your eyes.
Show her that you like her by giving flowers or small gifts. Write her a poem if you can.
Be a true and loyal friend because she will appreciate it and would want more from that friendshipLabels: restart your relation
Best Ways to Flirt With Girls - Here Are the Mind Blowing Routines You Just Can't Miss
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:31 AMThe most difficult part is to start a conversation but it can be done. Read as much as you can and be around people often because this will widen your social interaction. Be original. Don't quote anything you've picked up from a movie. Be helpful and confident to make a first good impression.
Confidence can be learned and it takes time because it's a process and yet in the end you'll realize that it's worth it. Confidence is who you are and how you carry yourself. Walk faster. Twenty five percent of people who walk faster are confident. Stand up straight. It will make you look taller and taller people are more confident than shorter people. Be level headed because girls will like you if you are always in control of the situation.
Make her laugh because they are attracted to guys with a great sense of humor. Just make sure your jokes don't intend to make fun with other girls or people you know and keep it free from vulgarity. If you know her values and respect her, you can find natural grounds that you can both relate and your jokes will not offend her.
Dress up smartly and use a few spray of your cologne. Nothing will draw a girl's attention more than a man who smells good and dress right for the occasion.
Be generous with praise but be genuine about it but don't exaggerate. Believe me, she can tell if you're faking it. A girl can also tell whether you are just patronizing her. Make eye contact because this will let her know that you are interested in her and what she is about to say. Don't let your eyes wander when she talks. Give her your full attention.
Labels: restart your relation
How to Know If Your Ex Still Cares About You - Master Tactics to Know it Within Seconds
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:20 AMMost of us have had a boyfriend or girlfriend that we have broken up with and we are left wondering if we made the right choice or not or if our ex still cares about us.
If he/ she still harbour feelings for you, then there is still the chance to win him/ her back, but how can you tell?
1. Accidental meetings - Do you actually find your ex meeting you quite often than usual? The "accidental" meeting could be intentional as well. Especially if both of you live in the same town or city and over the previous conversations and otherwise, have the knowledge of your workplace, favourite restaurant or places of interest, these chance meetings could actually have been intentional. If that's the case then you can be assured, your ex still cares for you for some reason.
2. Calling or Sending Text on your mobile - This is a good indication that they are not ready to let go and still feel that incompleteness within, especially if this happens either regularly or let's say much more often than usual. If your ex still cares for you, he/ she will want to know that you are okay. Sending a text is one vital indicator and the message still goes across without being physically being there.
3. Talking about old times - He/She may miss the close times and sharing things with you, and could be wondering how you feel about them. Dropping hints in conversations, mutual meetings, this is another positive signal that she still cares, that she wants to remember and relive those good times.
4. If either of you apologize - Something went wrong and the break-up happened, though it was not intentional but happened because of his wrong doing, and it still eats him inside, and yet he has the courage to come up front and apologize, and wishes to make things right again, then, definitely he still loves you.
Labels: restart your relation
How to Get a Girlfriend - Super Easy Ways Which Will Help You Get a Girlfriend Real Fast
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:19 AMYou don't know how you're going to a girlfriend so it is important to be prepared. She might be introduced to you by either a common friend or a colleague's cousin. Treat it like a puzzle that gets excited as figures emerge right before your very eyes when you complete the pieces. Try to meet a few people each week and you will be amazed at the abundance of ways to get along with others.
Before you could even get yourself a girlfriend, you have to qualify which girl you are interested in. If you want the most popular girl in your workplace, accept the fact that you may not be the only one interested in her and you're in for a lot of competition. Ask a good friend to be your critique who can honestly tell you what you don't see about yourself that may turn off the girl. It is very crucial to choose your friend carefully to make sure he will not out stage you. Or, you can look at yourself in the mirror and if you like what you see then you are good to go.
Smile. Your chance of getting a girlfriend is higher if you are friendly and approachable. Smiling attracts good vibes and positive energy.
One of the strategies that work well with guys is to meet different women so that if they fail in one method they can try another with a different woman. They prefer to be the chooser rather than the chosen. This gives them a lot of confidence and maintains a strong attitude towards women. It's like investing. You don't put your eggs in one basket.
Create a support team by being nice to her, her friends and the people around her. This will boost your chance in having her as your girlfriend.
Labels: restart your relation
4 Proven Psychological Tricks to Get Your Ex Back - This Brings Stunning Results Extremely Fast
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:18 AMPsychology is a great tool that can be used to get what you want. This is because the field of science deals with the human mind, which is a very complex and intricate subject to deal with. In terms of relationships, you can use psychology to get your ex back. Here are four tricks that you can use to get your ex crawling back to you.
Firstly, you may tap into his carnal desires, in short seduction. The human libido is one great way of making someone do everything that you want. Sigmund Freud has a school of thought about this. Everything humans do are connected to their sexual nature. This is advantageous for you in the sense that you can easily attract your ex into making love thus making him back to you even for a short period.
Secondly, if you want a long-term solution to your problem then personal introspection comes in into play. You can manipulate your ex into coming back to you by showing him who you really are as a person, that he was misconstrued into believing that you are this certain damaged individual that he cannot handle. You must show him how strong you are as a person.
The next tip has to do with cosmic balance. You must make him believe that you are destined to be together. The last one is tricky because it involves feigning your own emotions. You must make him believe that he was wrong to breakup with you. However, if you have different reasons for getting back together with him, you should think twice before doing the last tip.
Rekindling a relationship requires sincerity. If there is no truth to what you are doing, your ex will realize that you are just using him.
Labels: restart your relation
3 Signs That a Girl Likes You - Here is How You Can Figure Out What's on Her Mind Instantly
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:17 AMGuys can normally tell if a particular girl like them because they send off a particular aura only men can interpret. If you are good at reading a girl's body language it's even better because then you can almost certainly tell even if they show you contradicting signs. Women have such complex personality it is more often than not impossible to tell whether she likes you. Be an expert at reading her body language and use it to your advantage. Personalize your attempt because they are not born equal. These tips might be helpful but please proceed with caution.
If a girl smiles at you and looks at you at regular intervals, she may be giving a sign that she likes you and she can be approached. Shy ones will look away when you look at them and the bold ones may just come up to you and introduce themselves. A little flirting and subtle touch to your arm or hair is a clear indication that she likes you. Don't slouch; it's an indication of insecurity. Stand tall because taller men are more confident than shorter men.
If a girl gets very excited or nervous when you enter the room, she definitely likes you. She will try to catch your eyes and your attention by talking or giggling louder. During the conversation, she will ask more questions to get your attention. Stay cool and don't worry. Just let it happen. The best you can do is ignore her a little and approach her friends to start a conversation. This will intensify her interest and stay close.
If she is bold she might come up to you and offer her number. If this happens, be glad because then you don't have to work so hard.
Labels: restart your relation
4 Mistakes You Should Never Make If You Want Your Ex Back! Do Not Ignore This at Any Possible Cost
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:16 AMBreaking up is the worst thing that could happen to any couple. Most of the time, there's at least one person in the relationship that is willing to give it another go. If you're the one that's been dumped, it's very damaging to your self-esteem and you may end up doing illogical things. If you want your ex back, there at least 4 mistakes you should avoid to not blow your chances.
Playing dirty - Going around and telling embarrassing stories about your ex may help you feel vindicated, but only for a short time. If your ex catches wind of these stories, he/she will get offended and may not even consider speaking to you ever again.
Begging - Apologizing and calling your ex's voicemail and leaving hundreds of messages may seem like a good way to get back together, but in reality, it isn't. Making yourself look pitiful demonstrates your insecurities and may lower your value in the eyes of your ex. It won't be attractive to anybody, for that matter, so keep your composure.
Stalking - Forget about showing up at your ex's doorstep or office everyday and checking on her email and social network accounts if you know the passwords. It is very tempting to know if there is a new person in your ex's life and if he or she is better or a loser, but it won't do you any good and it is invading her privacy. Your ex will find all these activities out sooner or later and he or she might just find all that lurking creepy.
Threatening - If you scare your ex, there is absolutely no way the person will come near you, much less get back with you. This will most likely get you a restraining order, and not another chance with your ex.
Labels: restart your relation
How to Repair Your Marriage by Altering Your Spouse's Psychology! Do Not Miss This at Any Cost!
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:15 AMIt's a horrible feeling to see any marriage end; but when that marriage is YOUR marriage, it's utterly devastating. Especially if you are alone in trying to save your marriage.
If this is the situation, then let me take a moment that I feel for you because I have been in your shoes a while ago. Clearly my husband wasn't attracted to me any longer, and my marriage was heading for divorce. I didn't know what I should do - I tried a lot of things but none seemed to work. It seemed like everything was hopeless.
But now let's fast forward to today! I am still with my husband, and moreover, our marriage is firmer and stronger than it has ever been. My husband loves me now! And looking back, I can see all the mistakes I did now, and I can say very confidently that EVERY MARRIAGE, regardless of how hopeless it seems, can me saved and turned into a lifelong honeymoon.
What I did to stop a divorce was a method called "being inaccessible". This might require further explanation. In this method, you strip out of your "begging, apologetic, depressed spouse" shell, and start being the hard to have, inaccessible individual instead. And I don't need to tell you which one is a LOT more attractive than the other!
It might sound hard to pull off, but you can do it. Know that the "people want what they can't get" law of the universe is not changing any time soon. And you see - it's working AGAINST you right now. If you are able to turn the tables and make it work FOR you, it will make an amazing difference in everything!
Labels: restart your relation
4 Mind Games to Use to Get Your Ex Back! Ultra Effective Psychological Tricks You Don't Want to Miss
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:07 AMGetting dumped is a massive blow to one's self confidence. It is very tempting to just get away from everything and wallow in your misery. While you're busy doing that, though, someone new might be pulling your ex further away from you. So if you want your ex back, you should not waste too much time. Have a good cry and then strategize. There are at least 4 mind games you can use to get your ex back in a relationship with you.
Focus on yourself - Keeping yourself presentable all the time and pampering yourself does wonders for your self esteem. If your ex sees how "together" you look despite the break-up, it might remind him why he got attracted to you in the first place.
Enjoy the unexpected free time - After the first couple of days of being miserable, call all your friends and go out as much as possible. If you're having fun and your ex finds out about it, then he just might realize that he wants to share all the exciting stuff with you.
Keep communication at a minimum - At least until he ends up calling you instead. It will give your ex enough time to wonder what you're up to and if you're better off without him. There's nothing wrong in sending him the odd text or a quick call every once in a while to see how he's doing, but keep them short and cheery.
Work the circle - Keep yourself visible among his circle of friends or relatives, but try to make it look effortless. If they see how well you're doing, they will definitely report all these nice things back to your ex. Who knows, you might even get a bit more support from them and that will only work to your advantage.
Labels: restart your relation
Relationships are delicate attatchments that need to be developed and maintained in order to keep them healthy and enable them to grow, prosper and flourish. Regrettably, break ups do happen and they are heartbreaking, stressful and at times very frustrating. If you are involved in a relationship that breaks up, you may be thinking that you yearn to get back at your ex but is this really the right step to take? One of the most instrumental ways that you can actually get back at your ex will not only put your ex in an intriguing situation but it may also help heal the relationship by showing your ex how important you are and were to them. So not only are these 5 constructive tips to get back at your ex but they are also outstanding methods for getting your ex back as well.
1. Be strong. 'No one needs the needy' and this saying applies very well when it comes to broken up relationships. Pleading, clinging or demonstrating the behaviour of someone who is feeling desperate must cease immediately. Let your ex think that you are getting on just fine without them by showing that you are strong and moving on with your life. When you show signs of having possibly moved on, your ex will become aware that they have not.
2. Keep communication to a minimum. Semi closing the doors of communication may appear to be counteractive when your paramount focus is to rekindle the relationship but it is one of the most significant steps when getting back at your ex or getting your ex back. Spend some time with friends, family or simply by yourself but most importantly away from your ex. Shut down excessive communication and let him or her stew for a little while without any contact. This will enable your ex to clear his or her mind and comprehend just how precious your relationship was.
3. Be adaptible. Being aggressive with your ex, demanding that they move out, or pick their things up by a certain date is not constructive. Be adaptible, listen and sympathize. It will come as a surprise to your ex when they see this side of you and it may arouse in them the intention to construct the lines of communication that were deficient when the breakup came into play.
4. Get out and socialise! This is a must and it may be the very last thing you want to do but it is no time for you to be alone and will take your mind off of the situation. Ring your friends and get the heck out of the house! Get back into the social swing and have fun, add some enjoyment to your life. This does not imply that you need to date, or even pay any heed to the opposite sex, but you definately need to be getting out and appreciating time spent with your friends. Not only will this be therapeutic for you, but it will also contrive to persuade your ex that they lost something precious.
5. Most importantly just be yourself. There was a really good reason for why you and your ex had a relationship to begin with, so go back to being who you are and allow your ex to reminisce about why they loved and desired you in the very beginning. This restored self awareness of your own self will undoubtably rub off on your ex as well.
So my friend, if you are looking for constructive ways to get back at your ex and get your ex back then I urge you to consider the 5 steps above. There is one key element I have left out of these steps that is essential to your chances of getting your ex back and I want to share it with you in full here. Get Back at Your Ex and Get Your Ex Back NOW. This last element is crucial and I do not have the space to show it to you so I strongly urge you to click through now. getyourexbacknow.advice/
Labels: restart your relation
Monday, September 28, 2009
Learn How To Get Him Back - Five Steps To Learn How To Get Him Back
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 3:53 PM
Are you searching for a return of the good times, hoping to make up after the break up? Do you want to give a rocky, but loving romance another go? Follow these steps detailed below and you can learn how to get him back.
1 - Bear in mind, first, that patience is a virtue. Don't rush anything. Rather, start slowly with, say, a smile when you encounter your ex. Or like give him a wave when passing on the street. Any time you see him keep eye contact with him. This lets him know that you are connecting with him, not anyone else. However, that's as far as you want your contact to go, at the present time.
2 - Try starting conversation on a casual level when possible. Keep your conversations brief and basic in nature. Don't tell all; let a little mystery win the day. The mysterious will attract a man. If you happen to encounter him at a party or a pub or wherever, do greet him casually, keep it short and sweet and move on to where you were originally headed. Don't hover around him incessantly. Keep distant. This will indicate that, while it's nice to talk, he's not the utmost priority just now. Don't be afraid to let him see you flirting and talking with other men.
3 - Make sure you are at you best when you're out and about. Your appearance and scent must be very alluring when and if you encounter him. Keep things about yourself and your dress changed up on a regular basis. That way, he and all others will see your many charms and that will keep his interest in you alive. Displaying self-confidence and self-respect by sustaining your looks and positive attitude is something that most men find charming and sexy in a woman.
4 - If you want to learn how to get him back, Try this, when you encounter your ex, whether on the street, pub or other public place, throw him a complement. The idea here is to make him feel good about himself whenever he's around you. You can also call to mind a good time or a good memory from the past, a shared experience or some pleasing time shared together. This is a very potent psychological and emotional tie to you. It's kind of like the tender memories summoned by a remembered fragrance that you once wore. You want your ex to connect good feelings and memories to you when he is in close proximity to you and to feel blank when you're away.
5 - You must try to keep a cordial relationship with your ex. That way when be begins to subconsciously signal that he wants to get back together; you'll be ready to pick up and benefit from it. Be his friend, be open and show him openness. He will feel that he can trust you with his feelings, hopes and dreams. Move very slowly, handling his and your own emotions very delicately. As your pleasant relationship begins to grow, the time will come when he will see that you are truly his soul mate - The one.
The steps outlined above are but the beginning of a very tenuous passage. If there was genuine love in your relationship then success is virtually guaranteed. These insights are not my original ideas. I was searching for hope on the Internet when I found help in the form of T.W. Jackson. With his help, I was able to get back together with my true love using these, and other techniques.
Labels: restart your relation
Learn How To Get Her Back - Five Steps To Learn How to Get Her Back
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 3:49 PM
If you're convinced that you and your ex are meant for each other, then you need to learn how to get her back. Learning how to get her back is not necessarily difficult, but it does take some thinking and some planning if you really do want to get the results you seek.
1 - Though it may seem counter intuitive, when attempting to reconnect, if you want to learn how to get her back you need to cut the lines of communication for a while. This is going to be tough, and it's probably going to hurt a little, but it's going to get to her even more. After a while she will begin to realize that she really needs, and, is missing you. Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Stopping communications is key to the plan. It is a vital first step in attempting to get back together with your ex.
2 - Allow yourself to recover emotionally. If you wish to learn how to get her back, you've got to put things into perspective and regain your composure. Women dislike men who are desperate. Don't appear needy or clingy. You've got to let her go. You need to defer your desire to be close. Pull your life together and get over those feelings long before you consider trying to draw her back in to your life.
3 - Flirt with someone new. This may seem opposite to where you want to go; however, it can be a very powerful motivator for her. Also, as you're beginning to learn how to get her back, it can help to relieve stress, brought on, from being apart from her. When your ex sees you talking to another girl it will be too much for her to bear. She will think that you are moving on. If she exhibits jealousy it will indicate that she really wants to be with you.
4 - Behave as if nothing is bothering you. Don't ever let her know that you are hurt and you miss her. If you want to learn how to get her back, you'll need to play it cool. Don't exhibit depression when you're around her. She's not going to want to be with someone like that because she's depressed, herself, as it is. Show her you're having a good time and that you've overcome the break up and you're doing just fine.
5 - Always dress well and look your very best; just like you did when you first got together with your ex. She'll recall how you dressed in the beginning. She'll be convinced that you are moving on when you're looking great. Believe me, she will not be able to resist you. She will take notice and respond positively before she lets you get away.
These ideas are not my own. When I was learning how to get her back, I got on the Internet just like you did and found T.W. Jackson's ebook. It helped me to get my true love back and we've been together ever since.
T.W. authored a simple, down to earth step-by-step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever.
Labels: restart your relation
Is My Spouse Leading a Double Life - Look For These Signs That Can Reveal Their Dirty Secret
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 2:05 PMIf you are reading this, you probably suspect your spouse of leading a double life. They way they act seems suddenly different to you - they just are not the same person you married. Too many times, the victim of a cheating spouse is the last to know. They assume their relationship is safe from infidelity and they do not know what to look for. Read on and you will get a better idea of what you should be looking for that uncovers their secret double life.
Most spouses that cheat, for obvious reasons, make every effort to hide their secret double life. What they do not realize is that their efforts are paired with a heightened level of anxiety and guilt. They know what they are doing is wrong (whether they care or not) and getting caught is the last thing they want to happen.
Being overly anxious will manifest itself in some different ways:
- Less communication with you - They worry that excessive conversation might lead them to slip up. If they seem to be less chatty and make efforts to avoid confrontation, you might be dealing with cheater.
- Heightened senses - When you go out, do they seem like they are on the look-out? Do they jump when the phone rings or there is a knock at the door? Are they frequently questioning your every move? When action is out of their control, they worry what might right around the corner!
- Lack of intimacy - When your spouse is cheating on you, they probably will find it difficult to be close with you. Part of the cheating spouse might even consider they are cheating on their secret partner if they get intimate with you! If there is a drastic change in your intimate life, you better dig deeper and find out what is up somewhere else!
It is likely that you will see a change in your spouse. Whether you choose to deal with it or ignore it will be up to you.
Labels: double staying
How Can I Get My Ex Back? - I Really Do Love Them and Want to Get Back With Them
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 2:03 PMWhat was it this time? You and your significant other break up because of another fight. You probably both said things you really did not mean, it just seems that no matter what you try to do, nothing seems to work. More than likely this is due to your approach - you are going about it all wrong. Here are some pointers that will get you and your ex back on track and hopefully on your way to a healthy and stronger relationship.
What you have to decide before going any further - do you really, I mean truly, want to get back with your ex? If you are not going to be 100% in this heart and soul, you are never going to get to a good place with your ex. Half the effort will only result in half the product. If and when you can say that you are in it completely, and willing to do whatever it takes, will you be ready to proceed. So are you?
Great! The next big step is about being the bigger person. Be willing to own up to your mistakes and accept blame for what has happened. You might want to place all the blame on them, this is normal. You are hurt, probably confused and the emotional rollercoaster you are riding has your head spinning. By admitting your part in the break up, you will show your ex that you have the guts to open up.
Time apart is a step that many people find hard to deal with. All you want to do is go running back to them, forget any of the fighting ever happened and move on. Stop right there! If you do that you are just setting up your relationship for more failure. There needs to be some processing time - time to get over those spontaneous emotions that do not allow you to think straight. The time apart will vary for everyone. With time, heightened emotions have a chance to level out, and this will give you and your ex a better chance at a second chance.
While these two steps will not magically solve all your problems, they are still important. If you want to get back with your ex, it is going to take work.
Labels: restart your relation
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Top 5 Tips to Attract Women - How to Attract Your Type of Women
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:39 PMThere is always magic on how some people get to attract women so easily that we often think what is with them that make them 'women magnets', even if you don't find them attractive yourself. If you are wondering what are their best-keep secrets, here are some tips to attract women that you may have missed out.
1. Build confidence. First things first, you have to learn to believe in yourself. In everything you do and even in attracting, approaching or dating women, you need to have that confidence in yourself. Carrying out some techniques, strategies and tips to attract women would surely be awkward and unnatural if you do not have confidence in yourself. One effective way to build confidence permanently is to do positive affirmations. Tell yourself positive things everyday. This will help you retrain your subconscious and forget about the fears that you have in mind. Practice good grooming to give you an instant boost of confidence. Get a good haircut and make sure you smell good al the time.
2. Be fun. Being someone who is fun to be with is one sure way to attract women. It can be attractive at times that you project a serious personality, one that is in total control, but don't be too boring. It is not always attractive for women to be with someone who always talks about work when you are together. Learn new sports or expand your interest to be a fun person to be with. Explore the funny side of you. One of the best tips to attract women is to make them laugh. Of course, everybody wants to be with someone who can make your day light. So go ahead, learn some techniques to make women laugh. Learn a punch line or two. You can even practice it to make it more natural.
3. Be impressive. One of the tips to attract women is to be someone who knows a lot of trivia or some things that can amaze them. If you can impress them with your talent, or a skill, for sure, they would want to know more about it and that makes you more interesting too. Even mastering a simple card trick can be a great way to get women to talk to you.
4. Forget about the desperate moves. Do not try so hard to get the attention of women. If you want them to talk to you or if you want to be someone they would like to be with, forget about trying so hard to get their attention. Definitely no stalking - that for sure is one good way to drive them away.
5. Do well in your career. The best way to attract women is not having a face like Brad Pitt or having that most expensive sports car. If you are a man who takes control of your life and manages your career well, that is one big plus for women. That will give them the idea that you can manage a family well in the future.
Labels: dating
Dating sites are not exactly new to the Internet. Many of them are broken down into certain themed sites, based on racial or religious lines. These sites are essentially supposed to bring people together. Lately, the trend for online dating sites is breaking down the old guard of large sites into more niche focused sites that cater more to the kind of person you are actually seeking.
Finding someone on a dating site is a great way to get to know someone before meeting face to face. Eventually one of you will want to ask the other person out on a real date so that you can meet them in person. These sites are generally broken down into categories such as age, religion, nationality, sexuality, and even more specific groups like military, fitness or biker dating. They are easy to use since they are arranged by category and by sub-category.
Online dating is also proving to be a great way to meet new people inside as well as outside of the hometown you are currently living in. Online dating can provide the user with a great way to meet people that he or she may never meet in the normal course of life. It is also pretty easy to get started and you can be much more thorough in your search for a potential partner since you can search through thousands of profiles to find the exact one you want.
Online dating services will generally require a prospective member to provide some of their personal information before they are allowed to search the service provider's database for any other individuals using the criteria they set, such as gender, age range and location. Man sites also offer their members the ability to upload photos of themselves and browse the photos of others.
Labels: online dating
Is Dating Allowed During Marriage Separation? Yes, Find Out How to Do it Right!
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:36 PMLet us say you are the husband. You and your wife decide on a trial separation. You now ask yourself: Is dating allowed during marriage separation? The bible, if you care, has nothing to say on the subject. Modern psychologists do, however, have a lot to say. It is widely known that if you date during a marital separation it puts the strength of your relationship to the test. If, after dating, you both still want to return to your relationship, then it is widely accepted that your relationship will be a lot stronger and more stable for having put it to the test. This is common knowledge among dating experts.
You should be aware that there is a right way and a wrong way to date during marriage separation. The idea of dating during marriage separation is to test and strengthen your old relationship. It would be wrong to begin dating another woman with a view of establishing a long-term and loving relationship with her. What you should do, on the other hand, is simply enjoy casual dates with a woman or women who, like you, just want to have fun. The key factor here is not to take it too seriously. Go out to a movie. Grab a meal together. Chat about your favorite books. Do whatever allows you both to have fun. Think friendship, companionship, as opposed to intimacy and love. When you become intimate with another women you connect in a deep way that will almost certainly prevent you ever returning to your former relationship.
The ideal person to meet for dating during your trial separation is another married woman. You both have the same goals and expectations. She, like you, is merely testing the strength of her former relationship with a view to, perhaps, returning to it in the future.
In order to meet married women, you are best to avoid online classified sites, where people tend just to want to be intimate. Join a popular dating site and put in a search for married women in your town or city. All big dating sites allow you to search within minutes of your door for married women. Approach these women and be honest. Tell them exactly what you are doing. Contact them via email and instant messenger. I would guess that in a few minutes to an hour - at most - you will have found several married women who would be happy to go on dates.
Labels: dating
Guys often say they're dating women who manipulate them and play games. Bu truth is, when men first start dating women, games really do attract the man to the woman. Why? Because when women play hard to get, most men try harder. They say they don't like the challenge, but their actions say otherwise. You want a man to call? Act like you don't care one way or the other. But when he does, make sure you show that you appreciate the effort.
Dating Women: The Right Way to Play Hard to Get
Men, when you're dating women who are playing hard to get, they're trying to send you a message: they're important and you need to treat them that way. They're showing you that they're picky and they'll only take the best. It's up to you to rise to the challenge.
Women, you want him to figure out what makes you attracted to him and what you want from him. You also want him to become sensitive to the things you like. When someone is pursuing you because you're playing hard to get, he needs to go out of his way to find things that make you happy.
Dating women who play hard to get might seem cheap, but they're sending a message: I'm worth your effort. And if you are willing to dive in, you're demonstrating that you're someone she wants to be with. And when she doesn't call you back right away, she's showing you that she wants you to keep working at it. She's busy and it's an honor that she's spending time with you.
Dating Women Who Are Playing Games
When you're dating women or married to them, they play games. The trick with games, men, is that she wants you to win. She already knows she looks fat in the dress. She wants you to say you liked the other one more, but she looks pretty no matter what's she's wearing. She knows it's a lie. That's why it's a game.
Taking It Too Far
There's definitely such a thing as taking the games and the manipulation too far. If she's really leading you on and snubbing you, then you should get out. You shouldn't be constantly making out with a woman, and having her halfway out of her clothes only to hear, "Actually, I'm not ready." If she wasn't ready, she should have said so straight out. If, however, she decides not to go home with you, it means she really isn't ready - or she's holding out for more than a night of passion or a one-night stand. Make sure that when you're dating women, you know what you're willing to take. And make that clear by not playing once it passes that mark.
When you're dating women, you're signing up to try and win the games. You will have to deal with them. Women know when you're playing with her and she can play right back. If you know she's mad, don't act like you don't know. She can play that game, too. Instead, the right thing to do is get a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolate or concert tickets and apologize. Women aren't the only ones who manipulate, and don't think she hasn't caught on to your game.
Labels: online dating
Tips For Writing a Great Online Dating Profile - 5 Techniques to Get Hot Babes Online!
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:34 PMDating is a very vital thing in a man's life. There are men who haven't been on a real date before and I can understand the misery --- not dating and meeting girls is like missing more than half of your life. You're missing a great amount of fun and the thrill that comes with it is just too overwhelming. Now, let's get a little brutally honest --- dating and meeting girls can be a stressful thing too and I can't blame you for being too nervous and cranky around them --- now's the time you get to learn the tips for writing a great online dating profile. Online dating is harmless but extremely exciting that's why and more and more men visit the World Wide Web to get a date --- and most of them are going steady now. I hope that inspires you --- so here are the techniques to get hot babes online and start writing your great online dating profile today!
- Don't over exaggerate. Women love a smart a guy but over exaggerating on your profile can make them think you're just bluffing. Your profile is a way to "market" yourself to the ladies so make sure they sound simple and real --- but still impressive. Make sure to add your best traits, hobbies and interests.
- Be honest with a little tweak. If you have a passion for music, movies and computers, you can go ahead and add it to your profile --- but add a little tweak to make it more interesting. Posting videos and sounds and emoticons are cute and women are suckers for creative men. So get those artistic cells to work!
- Post photos in your best angle. And we all know photos are a very important part of your profile --- that's why it pays to post some of your best angles. It can add up color to your profile and no matter how smart and cool-sounding you are, if you don't have a photo online, you'll just get lost on the string of other men vying to get a girl on the internet.
- Keep it updated everyday. And believe me, it's going to be a great way to keep the girls lured in meeting you. When they know you're online, there's a great chance you can chat and get to know a little bit about each other. Some men have really interesting profiles but it doesn't count if you log off right away anyway --- so try to visit it at least once everyday.
- Add original and personal quotes. Feeling a little light and happy today? Why don't you put that as a shout out on your profile? That way, more girls (feeling the same way) would be more curious and interested in meeting you. If you're feeling burnt out and bored, post it as well! It promises a long exciting conversation with a hot girl who might just be feeling the same vibes.
Labels: online dating profile
Intimate Encounters Dating and How Even Ugly Guys Can Hook Up Like Babe Magnets
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:33 PMLet us assume that you are an ugly guy with no confidence of using intimate encounters dating to find a woman. You could be fat, ugly, unemployed and have bad hygiene. It does not matter. I am here to tell you this: any guy - any guy - can be a babe magnet if he follows some simple steps. This information is general knowledge among a number of people in the dating industry and it is proven to work successfully.
Finding women for an adult encounter is not hard when you remember one simple fact: it is a numbers game.
You need to contact as many women as possible and not be afraid of spending an hour or so of your time doing it. If you cannot devote an hour to this, at least, then stop reading now.
You need to become a member of a popular dating site with a few million members. One of the big dating sites. You only need a free account right now. Spend a minute and join a dating community.
Now here is all you need to know. Put in a search on that site for women who live as close to you as possible. You can enter your zip code and usually say that you want to see profiles of women 5 miles or so from your door. Send the same email to all of these women. You are allowed to do this. Tell them how much you love and adore women, even though you are ugly and have no luck with the opposite sex. Send out about 100 emails. Just paste the same thing every time. Now you wait.
You will almost undoubtedly have several women, maybe several dozen women, contact you by the time you are done emailing. That is all. There is nothing else to this method. Anyone can do it and if you email enough women, at least some of them will be willing to meet you!
Labels: online dating
Online Internet dating can be quite addicting and more and more men have been hooked, however, we can't really say that all of them have been successful. There are many ways to get a girl online but keeping them interested and finally agreeing to meet up with you is a whole new different thing. So before you get all hyped up and start clicking away, remember that there are best ways for you on how to get started on your online internet dating and make the most of this new hobby of yours to the brim. So below are a few tips when it comes to your internet escapades and finally meet a girl online soon!
- Scout for your primary account. There are a many websites that offer a lot of ways for you to start gaining friends online --- Facebook, Multiply, MySpace, Friendster, Flixter, etc --- they're great networks where you can stay in touch with friends you know and friends (and girls) you're yet to know. So get a primary account (or the mother of all your accounts) and update it everyday.
- Find some of your photos in your best angle. And start uploading! It would be a great help posting your photos in the internet --- technically, you're "marketing" yourself online and it pays to post your best photos so girls would get curious and intrigued by you.
- Search for websites and find where you belong. And from there, you wouldn't have to do some things you don't want to --- you can be your absolute self and you can take it easy. You don't need to get your hands full with being in websites you know you don't like (just because they seem good) --- learn how to have a great time during the process. It makes things a lot easier.
- Widen your horizon and expand your networks. Don't be stagnant and get stuck on the same website all day. Be up for anything and always make sure to explore your options. Make use of chat rooms, respond to newsletters and attend invites to speed dating and swinger parties --- you'll have an absolute great time, I promise you.
- Don't stress it. Have fun! Don't get glued on your computer screen all day --- have other things to do! That way, when you finally meet an amazing girl you can share with her about your day, your hobbies and interests and what you've been up to these days. That's far more interesting than telling her you spend a good 24/7 of your life online.
Labels: online dating
Draw His Attention - Then Make Him Fall Head Over Heels
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:21 PMHow do you draw his attention and make him fall head over heels in love with you? Is there some magic solution to get from here to there and have him love you? Are you ready to grow your relationship into more than it is right now? With a few great tips you can draw his attention and make him fall head over heels in love with you!
Work On Yourself.
In today's world few of us have true confidence. Few of us really love our selves and everything that we are. You need to spend some time working on yourself.
Live Your Own Life.
Often it is easy to drop your own life in hopes that you can share one with the man you are interested in. However, this gives the wrong impression and doesn't leave you anything if the relationship doesn't last. Plus it makes him think that you are needy. Make sure you take time for you!
Be Fun!
Let your hair down and be fun while having fun. Enjoy the things you do together and relax. It is also a good idea to work on doing a wide variety of things together. Never do the same things twice. Try new things, go new places, and learn new things.
Build An Emotional Bond.
Work on being the girl that he can easily talk to. Try to be the one that he can lean on. Work on being his friend. This will take time, but it will also be well worth it. These emotional bonds will be what takes you beyond a simple relationship and beyond just drawing his attention and into love.
You can draw his attention and make him fall head over heels in love with you. It takes you living your own life, being loads of fun, and building an emotional bondLabels: dating
Phone Calls - 5 Rules You Need to Follow When Calling Men
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:12 PMDo you know the rules that you need to follow when calling men? Do you struggle with trying to figure out what is good and what is bad? Have you heard that you should never call, but you are always tempted to do so? Many women struggle with the rules of calling men.
Don't Be The First To Call.
This rule is often mentioned, but there are many women who think that you can get past it without a problem. What this shows men is that you are desperately trying to get the attention of a man. You want it too bad and you will scare him away.
Don't Answer All of His Calls.
In the day of caller ID and cell phones it is easy to get excited that he is calling and answer ever call that he makes. However, it is important that you don't answer every one of his calls. Miss a few and it will do you some good.
Keep It Short And Sweet.
Keep phone conversations short and sweet. This encourages an actual relationship. You want to spend time with him in person and not just talk to him on the phone.
Don't Call Often.
It is important that you call him only every now and again. Don't get carried away. Never call more than once a day and always remember to keep it short. When calling men it is important that you don't over do it and make it seem like you are desperate or that you are a stalker.
Keep the 48 Hour Rule.
If you will see him in the next 48 hours and there isn't an emergency then it is important for you to save whatever you would say on the phone for when you see him next. This will give enough space for a relationship to grow.
Calling can become obsessive, over done, and can lead to crowding at the beginning of the relationship. Calling men can be different than calling your best girlfriend or even a well established relationship. Give it time to grow and then ditch the calling rules. Till then, stick to them.
Labels: online dating
Do you wonder how it is you can grow in your relationship and make him fall in love with everything about you? Do you long for a relationship that is true, deep, and meaningful? Are you ready to move on with life and love and build the relationship that is worth having? You can use the tips to help you grow in your relationship and make him fall in love with you.
Be Yourself.
Relax a little and make sure that you are yourself around him. Sometimes this is hard to do when you first begin. However, it is a must because if you aren't and he will feel bad when he finds out that you haven't been yourself and you haven't been upfront with him. It feels deceitful if you hid the real you!
Build Your Friendship.
It is important that in order to grow in your relationship you will need to work on being his friend. Get him to talk to you. Let him get to know you. Have fun together so that you can build the relationship. You will want to work on this regularly because friendship is a huge part of a relationship that lasts. Spend time together enjoying life.
Build Up Your Positive Thinking Personality.
It is easy to get negative. When we do our self confidence goes down, we find it difficult to remain sunny, and we are often not a whole lot of fun to be around. However, if you work on banishing negative thoughts and you add positive thoughts to your life then you will find that you will give him something he can't help but fall in love with. This is particularly important for growing in your relationship.
If you work to grow in your relationship you will make him fall in love with you. You need to be yourself, build your friendship, and work on positive thinking.
Labels: love and date
Can you have plus sized love with the man of your dreams? Are only skinny girls able to attract the man of their dreams? Do you have what it takes to be attractive to a wide range of men? The answer is YES! You can attract the man of your dreams and have plus sized love.
Build Your Self Confidence.
If you sit down and take the time to list the things you like about yourself, be it physically, mentally, emotionally, or giftedness than you would realize just how much you have to offer. This is the first thing you should do to build your self confidence. You are a beautiful person and when you start to realize that you will show others that as well.
Some Guys Love Plus Sized Women.
There is a whole group of men out there who love plus sized women. If you have self confidence in yourself you will radiate inner beauty and you can attract a lot of men. Just remember that not all men are shallow!
Be Positive.
It is a lot easier to be positive when you are enjoy life and when you have some self confidence. If you are a positive person you will be fun to be around and this in itself will attract more people (both men and women).
Be Patient.
It is easy to get frustrated when you are hoping for plus sized love, or any love for that matter. You aren't alone and there are lots of women of all shapes and sizes who struggle to be patient. However, this is very important.
You need to build your self confidence, realize that some guys love plus sized women, be positive, and be patient. You can find plus sized love and attract the man of your dreams!
Labels: love and date
Seal the Deal - What You Need to Know to Make Him Fall in Love
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:10 PMAre you ready to seal the deal? Ready to move on into a deeper part of your relationship? Do you want to know what you will make him fall in love with you? Do you long for a real relationship that is full of love? You can learn what you need to know to make him fall in love with you and seal the deal.
Love Does Not Equal Lust.
Often times lust, sexual attraction, and even a sexual relationship gets mixed up together with the idea of love. This is really easy for a man to do, but often women think that he must love her because he wants her. This can happen because it is harder for a woman to have sex without love. The best thing to do is to keep sex out of it for awhile so that love can grow before sex gets in the way.
Touch His Heart.
It is important that you work on touching his heart. You want good feelings to come to the surface when he is around you. Make this happen by being positive in his presence, having fun with him, and being there when he needs a friend.
Build Your Friendship.
Somewhere along the line the rumor that if you and him were friends it would kill the romance. However, this isn't the case. Love and romance can be a part of a great relationship, but friendship is also an important part of it. Work on becoming his friend. By becoming his friend you will be working to seal the deal.
Let Him Be Slow.
Men often drag their feet when it comes to relationships. It takes time for them to be sure. They aren't willing to jump on it and even if they are in love they want to make sure. Let him be slow and give him the space he needs to make the steps that it takes to get from here to there.
You can get him to fall in love and seal the deal. You just need to be patient. Recognized that love and lust are different, touch his heart, become his friend, and give him the space he needs to let it all grow. Then he will come to you with more!
Labels: love and date
Do you wonder how you can strengthen your relationship? Do you want something that lasts longer than many relationships? Are you looking into the future and desiring to see a specific man by your side? You can use these tips to strengthen your relationship and make it something long term.
Avoid building a relationship based on lust.
Lust is something easy to come by and even easier to come by if you are a man. Sex gets the engines revving, but it isn't the same as love. The problem is that it is easy for a man to think he is in love when he is just in lust. You need to make sure you are building a relationship based on real emotions and not just sexual desires. The easiest way to do that is to hold off on having sex. However you can work on it even after a physical relationship has started. You will just need to proceed with caution and work on building an emotional bond.
Build an emotional bond.
A physical bond is an easy one. The emotional one is a lot harder to develop, but also much more important. You will want to work on building an emotional bond by becoming his friend. Talk with him, listen to him, and spend time with him.
Make them good times.
Touching a man's emotional self is the key to his heart. To do this you will want to spend time with him, and make them really good times. Have fun with him, laugh, go new places, try new things, and be a bright and positive person. This in turn will touch his emotional self positively and with these little nudges he will move toward a committed relationship that is strong and built for long term.
Be patient with him.
Women can jump into love and enjoy doing it. Men need to take it slow. If you want to strengthen your relationship you will want to wait for him to move the pace along. Let him lead how fast your go.
Strengthen your relationship and work toward building something that lasts is really important. You don't want to make him feel pushed. Instead, sit back and enjoy the process. Have fun spending time with him and becoming his friendLabels: love and date
Grab His Attention - The Perfect Way to Play Hard to Get
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 12:00 PMDo you want to know how to grab his attention? Do you long to get him interested and keep him interested? Do you think playing hard to get is just too hard to do? There are a lot of women out there who long to grab the attention of a man and keep it, but just aren't sure how to do that.
Playing hard to get is the best way to grab his attention and to keep it. However, you really have to be careful with how you play it so that he doesn't think that you are too much work and so that he knows you are worth chasing.
Be a Flirt.
The first thing you need to do is to be a flirt. This will help make it possible for you to draw his attention from square one. This doesn't mean you have to be overly flirty, but you should smile, make eye contact, laugh, have fun, and gently touch him on the arm, hand, or shoulder. This will grab his attention.
Remain a Mystery.
You shouldn't be completely mysterious, but you want some parts of you to remain mysterious. This will peak his curiosity and he will want to spend more time with you to learn more about you. Make sure you are still yourself while doing this.
Never Be the One To Call.
No matter how badly you want to you should always wait for him to be the one to call in the first several weeks of the relationship. This will make it so he knows you aren't desperate.
Be Excited When He Calls or Takes You Out.
Let him know that you are glad that he has called, glad to go on dates, and happy to see him. This way he knows you are interested even though you aren't chasing after him. At the same time don't break plans to go out with him because you want him to know you have things to do. Make sure you suggest an alternative day and time so he knows you are still interested and not just making an excuse.
Be Fun To Be Around, But Not Always Available.
You want to be fun to be around. Do new things with him. Enjoy it. Make him want to spend more time with you by being a positive person with a smiling personality. If this isn't normally you, than you should work on it because it will work in all areas of your life. At the same time, don't always be available. Give him some time to miss you and to long to see you again.
You have what it takes to grab his attention and to keep it. By playing hard to get the right way you can do so very easily. Enjoy it and have fun. Remember to let your hair down and explore life in a happy, breezy sort of way!
Labels: dating
Nudging Your Relationship to the Next Step - Getting the Commitment
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:59 AMAre you looking for ways of getting the commitment from your man? Are you tired of simply waiting for your relationship to go to the next step? Do you long for finding the way to a committed relationship? There are a few things that you can do that will help you nudge your relationship to the next step by getting the commitment from your man.
Become The Woman Inside.
Often times it is hard for women to let themselves relax and enjoy life. However, now is the time to become the woman inside. Enjoy yourself, have fun, and laugh a lot. Life is short. Work on becoming confident and happy with who you are. This will make you fun to be around and exciting.
Spend Fun Times With Him, But Not Always
You want to have some fun times. Enjoy life with him. Try new places and new things. But make sure you still have a life. Also spend time with your friends, family, shopping, and enjoying your hobbies. Don't always answer his calls and don't always jump on a date. Sometimes you need to have other things to do. This will make him miss you and realize what a great thing he could have.
Talk To Him.
It is important that you are careful not to be pushy or go to far. Don't demand that he commit to you, don't give him ultimatums, and don't mention marriage, kids, or houses. Instead tell him what you want out of the relationship right now. Give him awhile to think about it, but if he decides he isn't willing to take the next step it is probably a good idea to find someone else because he just isn't that interested.
Nudging your relationship to the next step is something that you need to do carefully. Be careful when getting the commitment, but work on being a positive and fun person, have fun with him some of the time, and make sure you are open and honest with him about what you want.
Labels: dating
Get the Commitment You Deserve - Get Him to Take Your Relationship to the Next Level
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:59 AMHave you ever wondered what you can do to get the commitment you deserve? Are you sick of waiting around for him to take your relationship to the next level? Do you want to push him in the right direction without pushing him away? Many people think that there is nothing that they can do to get the relationship to move forward and they sit and wait for it to happen naturally. This sometimes happens, but often it doesn't. However, you have with in your power small things you can do to get the commitment you deserve and get him to take your relationship to the next level.
Build Up Your Value.
You are very valuable and deserve only the best. However, he doesn't know that in the beginning. He may enjoy spending time with you and may like the things that you provide for him, but you really need to be valuable in his mind in order to be worth committing to. There are several things that you can do to build up your value in his mind's eye.
• Work on being his friend. You want your relationship to be one that is deep and real. Friendship is a very important part of a deep and meaningful relationship.
• Be fun to be around. Be a positive thinker who is fun to be around and enjoys life. He will want to be around you more.
• Do fun things together. Try new things each time you get together. Work on building positive feelings in him and positive memories.
• Do a lot of different things. Aim for never doing the same thing twice. This way you will build a lot of new memories making it feel like you have known each other longer and that you are always fun to be with.
Have a Life.
Even while you build up your worth in his mind's eye it is important that you also make sure you aren't always there. Have a life. Go out with your friends. Go shopping. Work on your hobbies and interests. Don't always answer his calls. This will make him realize just how valuable you are and make it so that he wants to do what is necessary in order to have more of you to himself. This coupled with the value you add to his life is the best way to get the commitment you deserve.
Build Up Your Self Worth.
While you are very valuable and you have a lot of worth, it is sometimes hard to see that yourself. It is important that you take some time to build up your self worth. This in turn builds up your confidence and makes it less important for him to commit to you. In this way you will radiate worth, value, and confidence. He is more likely to see you for who you are and not for a needy woman looking to snare him.
Getting him to commit may seem like hard work, but in reality, working the steps toward a deep and meaningful relationship is what will get him to give you the commitment you deserve. It will also get him to take your relationship to the next level.
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Building the Perfect Relationship - Become His Friend!
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:58 AMave you ever wondered how to build the perfect relationship? Do you want to be a guys friend, but are afraid that it can't become more then that once friendship status is achieved? Do you long to make a guy fall in love with you? Are you searching for love and for a great relationship? You certainly aren't alone. Contrary to what most women think, to build the perfect relationship one needs to start with friendship.
It is often believed that friendship and romance just can't mix. Somewhere along the line women were taught that once you achieved friendship status you were doomed to remain there and only there forever. However, it is the emotional connection between a man and a woman that causes the man to fall in love. This is a lot harder for him than it is for her. It must be cultivated and it must go beyond physical attraction.
Studies have shown that relationships that start out as friendships have a better chance of making it long term. This is because the emotional bonds that are required during friendship are harder to break than those that are developed over physical contact. So, how does one build the perfect relationship? How does one become his friend and his one and only?
• Avoid a sexual relationship until the friendship has been developed. No matter how hard this is to do it is important. Guys find it easy to feel that sexual relationships are the same as other relationships or at least temporarily fulfilling. Because of that you need to hold off and develop something deeper first.
• Spend enough time together to get to know each other and to start depending on one another. At the same time spend enough time apart for him to realize what he would miss should you be gone from his life.
• Talk to him. Be honest and open and share yourself with him. At the same time listen to the things he says and be interested in the things he is interested in.
Developing a friendship takes time and work. But it makes a huge difference in the long run because you will find a relationship that is stronger and lasts longer. Once the friendship is developed then move on with the relationship. This is the key to building the perfect relationship.
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How to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Attracted to You Again - Expert Tips on Winning Him Back
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:56 AMBeing wildly in love with an ex presents a whole host of problems. It makes it virtually impossible to move on and date anyone new. It's also hard to focus on anything but thoughts of happier times and how to get him back. If you're a woman in this position now, chances are very good that you've spent many hours trying to devise a foolproof plan to get your ex boyfriend attracted to you again. You may have considered writing him a long, heartfelt letter or perhaps you entertained the idea of dating someone new just to make your ex jealous. Although these sound like great approaches to take, they're not going to get you what you want. If you're serious about reigniting the attraction your ex once felt for you, there are just a couple of things you must do.
If you want to make your ex boyfriend attracted to you again you absolutely have to accept the break up, for now. It's human nature to want to fight against the things we don't want. If the split was his idea, you need to be respectful of that. He's going to expect you to become overly emotional and do things like begging him to take you back or crying non-stop. If you do the opposite instead and appear to be fine with the split, he's going to be left confused. He's also going to feel the sting of rejection you've been feeling and that's what will make it impossible for him to not think about you.
You also have to disappear from his life for the next few weeks if you want to make your ex boyfriend attracted to you again. In order to make him want to be with you again you have to show him the void that is left in his life when you're no longer there. You may feel a desire to tell him that he'll miss you or he'll wake up one day realizing what he lost, but it's much more influential if he feels it. Don't worry about him finding someone in the meantime. It takes time for men to heal after a split too. Just give him some space, drop out of sight and before long he'll come looking for you.
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Have Your Pick of the Guys - Make Them All Want You
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:55 AMHave you ever wondered how you could make all the guys want you? Do you want to be able to pick out the guy of your dreams from the crowd rather than have someone you don't really want choose you? Do you watch some women work the ropes and wonder how you can be the girl everyone wants? It really isn't as hard as you might think to make them all want you!
Be Radiant.
This doesn't mean you have to be drop dead gorgeous, which is good since not all of us are natural beauties. However, you have a beautiful soul that you need to let radiate out of you. Now is the time to let your inner beauty shine though. You can do this buy building your self confidence, letting the real you shine though, and working on being a positive thinker.
Ditch Old Fashioned Views.
Somehow we have hung on to old fashioned views that just aren't applicable any more. It used to be that if you were a woman that would make a good wife you were one who cooked well, cleaned well, and could do other domestic tasks. Truth is that life just doesn't work that way anymore and you need to let these ideas go so that you can be the best modern you that you can be. To make them all want you in today's world you need to think in modern terms.
Learn To Think Like a Man.
You want to work hard to learn what men are thinking. This will give you a huge advantage when it comes to dating. This is how you will be able to get a leg up on the women out there wishing men would start thinking like women.
You need to work on changing your thinking so that you can make them all want you. This will allow you to have the pick of the guys. Choose the man of your dreams!
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Still Waiting For Him to Commit? 3 Things You Can Do to Get Him Ready
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 11:48 AMHave you been wondering what you can do to get him ready to take the plunge toward commitment? Are you still waiting for that commitment and starting to get tired of it? Have you made the commitment to your guy, but wonder when he will do the same? You certainly are not alone. Women make commitments to men all the time while wondering when they will hand up their hat and make that same commitment to them. There are three things you can do to get him ready to commit to you.
Time To Play.
If he hasn't made a commitment to you then you don't have to make the commitment to him. Sometimes dating other men when you really only want one can be hard, but it also gives him a taste of his own medicine. Most guys won't want to share you and will want you all to himself.
Live Your Life To Its Fullest.
You don't need to sit around waiting for his every phone call. Instead continue on with life. You can let him be an addition to your life, but not your life. Go out with friends, take a trip with out him, and make sure you do that day of shopping. This gives him time to realize that without a commitment he can't expect you to be there when he wants you and you will be busy sometimes.
Don't Always Be Available.
Even when you aren't busy, you want to have times when he doesn't have access to you. This gives him some time to realize that to have more of you he needs to commit. Plus the heart grows fonder with a little absence.
By using these three things in your favor you will get him ready to commit to you. It may take some time, but as long as you are still having fun and building a friendship when you are together he will want you all to himself and will make the commitment necessary to make that happen.
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Well it's goodbye summer and hello fall and winter and you know what that means-more uncomfortable holiday parties and events in singledom. If you're on that frustrating search to meet the love of your life, but don't know where to go, keep reading for tips on the best places to meet that special someone.
One of the reasons why you haven't met him or her yet, is that you may be going to the wrong places. All the obvious ones like clubs and bars are actually places you want to avoid-that is if you are searching for a long-term relationship. Although once in awhile you may hear about a friend or an acquaintance that fell in love and married someone they met there, chances are the only people you'll meet are those who are searching for the love of the night, not the love of a lifetime.
So where do you go to find true love?
1. Group outings. You may not think that you could meet that special someone hanging out with a group trip skiing or water rafting but this may be the best location for love. This is because outings like this feel less pressured than a date and you'll also have the benefit of getting to know several new people in a group setting. So the next time your friend invites you on a group gathering with co-workers, think twice about saying no. You may meet the love of your life while gabbing with friends.
2. Gym. The gym provides ample opportunity to meet new people. Everyone's there to get in shape so it's easy to strike up a conversation with someone you fancy by asking him or her relevant questions such as how to use the equipment or about a class instructor.
3. Coffee shop. The coffee shop is where everyone is these days. Most people go alone so it's a less intimidating way to start a conversation with a stranger. Buy them a cup of coffee or ask if the seat next to them is taken.
4. Hiking. A lot of singles are adventurous hikers. If you are one of them, go out and find them. The best part is that you won't run out of things to talk about when you are surrounded by nature. If you're feeling nervous, just ask them about the hiking trail and how long it took them to finish it.
5. At work. If you're not allowed to date co-workers you might want to skip this one. However, if you can, finding your soulmate at work definitely makes work a lot more fun!
6. Places of worship. Churches offer a variety of activities that encourage members to interact. If you belong to a church make sure to sign up for group events to increase your chances of meeting someone with the same religious values as you.
7. Social networking events. You can chat online with social networking sites such as Facebook or you can attend social networking events. In addition to increasing your business contacts you can also meet new people and potential love interests.
8. Attend art shows, community events, and poetry readings. In addition to meeting new people, you will also have fun, learn something new and become more intriguing to potential suitors once they meet you.
9. Take a class. If you are in college, you'll find a flurry of great opportunities to meet new people at school. If you're out of school, consider taking a class in subjects you're interested in such as cooking or home improvement. You might find your true love and learn how to paint your living room all in the same place.
10. Online dating sites. These days the most convenient and popular way to meet other singles is through dating sites. Most people have at least a few friends that have been successful this way.
The truth is you can find your soul mate almost anywhere. The key is to be ready, willing, and open to finding him or her. Let people know you are looking and go out and put your best foot forward. You never know when you'll meet the right one shopping at your local market or at a book signing, so have fun and get ready for love!
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