Saturday, October 3, 2009
You can feel that there is something wrong your relationship with your partner, however you cannot point your finger at it. You know that it's coming to an end, but you are in denial and you are scared to say that: "It's not working out anymore". It's not your fault, and it's not your partners fault. But things do change and if love is not present, then there's no point in working the relationship out.
There are signs already, although you do not notice it at first. Lack of communication, disagreements, you're saying one thing and he responds in a totally different way, and you feel that it's irrelevant. He or she seems distant, even if you are together physically and in the same room. How can you tell if the relationship is just having a little lover's quarrel or if it's inharmonious already that the only way out is through the door?
There are signs, and listed are a few things you'll know when a relationship is over:
1. If your partner seem distant recently. You can also feel that when you are making love, as though his or her emotions are not connected to her body.
2. If your partner start fights with you for no reason at all, with the conclusion of him/her storming out of the house.
3. If your partner starts to tell you that everything you do is wrong (e.g. "You never..." or "You always...".
4. If no matter how much you put effort in the relationship, it seems that it's not enough for your partner.
5. If your partner expects you to be a mind reader.
6. If you try to talk to your partner about taking the relationship to the next level (for example: moving in together or if you're living in together, marriage), and the only respond you get is a vague statement like: "we'll see what happens".
If the signs are present, and is shown by your partner, then you may want to rethink that this beautiful relationship you had once is going to end soon. Signs like these show that your partner wants a way out of the relationship but does not have enough courage to tell you directly.
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