Thursday, October 1, 2009
Have you come across couples where you can see a visible sign of disrespect between each other? Or find that one partner has low respect for the other? That is quite common, but why is that so? And how do the partners intend to continue in absence of mutual respect? Let us discuss.
Respect and how it affects our well-being?
Think of any situation when you felt disrespected. That happens many times in public places, work places and homes. How did you feel? You felt anger towards the person who disrespected you. You also felt that that person did not value your opinion or capability. You felt bad about the whole thing because your self-esteem was hurt. You felt like never giving your opinion to that person again.
When you feel respected you find that the other person is keenly listening to you. You find the body language of the other person positive and leaning towards you. You find that they ask questions or air their opinions believing that you will contribute positively to the dialogue. In such a situation you feel respected and involved. Your self-esteem gets boost and you respect the other person in turn.
Is respect always a two way street?
It is felt that respect is a two way street. If you give respect, you get it. Sometimes this law is broken. You may be trying to respect the opinion of the other part but the other party may be so disoriented due to anger, frustration or other reasons that they may simple brush aside all your opinions and argue with you with total disrespect. This frequently happens when some body is feeling very angry. If a couple gets into a situation when one of them is angry over the other, you will find the angry person using most derogatory terms. That breaks the respect between each other. Even if apologies are made after temper cools down the relationship does not get mended, because spoken words keep ringing in the mind of the injured person.
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