Saturday, February 13, 2010
The dating game, even at the best of times, can be a perilous business, filled with misunderstandings, secret signs that have not been picked up upon, and even faux pas; after all, we've all - at some point in our lives - thought that someone was interested, only to discover that it's not actually the case. Similarly, picking the right Valentine's Day Gifts can be tricky, especially if you're thinking of buying Valentine's Day Gifts for someone who doesn't know how you feel.
So, for anyone looking to find themselves the perfect Valentine's Day date - with or without the addition of Valentine's Day Gifts - the essential starting point is to meet someone; and with heavy working schedules, the best places to meet the right person may not be immediately clear. One possible suggestion could be to join an evening class, although it's important to pick the right type of hobby or skill. For example, if you're a man looking to meet a woman, learning a skill that would generally not be of any interest to members of the opposite sex is probably a bad idea. Dance classes could be a great idea though, as there are usually lots of single men and women; it's more than acceptable to ask anyone to dance. Late night shopping could also be a fruitful experience, and you could always pick up some great Valentine's Day Gifts whilst you're there. Other options, such as visiting an art gallery, or going to the theatre could also be worth considering, especially as gift shops also contain useful Valentine's Day Gift ideas.
Once you've managed to find yourself a person whom you like, and seems interested in return, it's time to move onto chatting them up. While it's perfectly okay to include light banter about appropriate - or indeed disastrous - Valentine's Day Gifts, there are some general pointers worth remembering. Always avoid using any one of the cheesy chat up lines you're bound to know; no matter how great it might seem to ask a girl if she works for UPS - because she looks like she's checking out your package - it's unlikely to yield the results you expect. Jokes connected with Valentine's Day Gifts are a bad idea too. It's also a good idea to ask questions, and to be genuinely interested in the answers; she might even have a few hints for possible Valentine's Day Gifts, providing everything works out well.
Assuming that all has gone well, and you've progressed to the actual date, it's a good idea to do a little preparation in advance to make sure everything goes smoothly. Aside from small talk about possible Valentine's Day Gifts, make sure you've got a few conversational tricks up your sleeve; hobbies, travelling, likes, dislikes and even food can be possible areas for conversation, as long as you use your imagination. The most important thing to remember though is to relax, and to be yourself. After all, you're both there to have a good time.
But how do you know that you're doing well, and that you're making all of the right impressions? Indeed, how do you know if the person you're on that date with feels as positively as you do? Especially if you've not had any Valentine's Day Gifts or cards from them? The secret is in the body language of the person you're hopefully enjoying the date with. When it comes to flirting, experts recommend that individuals look out for signals such as the direction of hands and feet - apparently, when we find an individual attractive, we tend to point towards them with body parts such as hands and feet - flashes of eyebrows and the mirroring of body language. It is also claimed that the areas of the body we look at widen when we find an individual attractive - although they might be looking to see if you're hiding any interesting Valentine's Day Gifts; friends might look at each other's eyes, nose and mouth, but flirtatious individuals apparently tend to widen their gaze to other areas of the body, and might spend a large amount of time looking at their love interest's mouth. And, apparently, people blink more often when they find an individual more attractive. It would seem then, that even in the absence of Valentine's Day Gifts, all of the right messages can be given off; you both just need to make sure you're paying attention. Of course, a great Valentine's Day Gift would probably help no end too.
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