Saturday, February 13, 2010
Of all the holidays guys worry about the most, Valentine's Day easily tops the list. There's no more romantic day of the year, except for your anniversary, and women expect a guy to really pull out all the stops for a romantic date. So just how do you make Valentine's day a special as possible? Fear not, we here at Easy Romantic Ideas have you covered. With our list of Romantic Date Ideas for St. Valentine's Day, you'll have all the help you need to make that perfect romantic outing a success.
Since Valentine's Day isn't just your average date, make sure you pay extra attention to the basics. Be on time, and put extra effort into your appearance. Don't let your perfect Valentine's Day be ruined by bad breath, bad hair, or a general lack of style. Always make sure to pick up the bill, too. On a regular date it's ok to offer to pay, but defer if she insists. Not on St. Valentine's Day. No list of Romantic Date Ideas for St. Valentine's Day would be complete without mentioning a few ways to make yourself look the best, so here's a big tip: pick an activity where you can show some real chivalry. The vast majority of women are impressed when a guy opens door, pulls out a chair, and generally behaves like a gentleman. Pick a date where you can really show off just how polished you are.
In addition to being a gentleman, another great Romantic Date Idea for St. Valentine's Day is to find little ways to increase the intimacy of your date. Making extended eye contact and listening intently are the two best ways to foster an intimate atmosphere. Eye contact shows that you're paying attention to her, and builds a sense of trust. Listening intently should always be a part of any date, and the combination of eye contact and active listening will always impress her. Another great way to build intimacy is to share something personal about yourself. Tell her about your dreams, hopes, and aspirations; or share an anecdote that you feel defines you well. You don't want to get too personal, especially if you're on an early date, but let her know who you really are.
The key to coming up with a Romantic Date Idea for St. Valentine's Day is originality. Any guy can make dinner reservations and buy a dozen roses; and most of them do. To make a Valentine's Day date really memorable, show that you understand her interests and tailor the date to show you share them. If she loves art, find an art gallery or museum that's open late and take her there before or after dinner. If she's not one for going out, put a personal spin on the evening by cooking a romantic dinner yourself. Picking an activity that doesn't follow the standard cookie cutter model will show her that you're creative and care about impressing her.
Whatever you choose, a truly Romantic Date Idea for St. Valentine's Day is one that shows you appreciate her interests and go the extra mile to share them with her. Pay attention to all the basic little details, foster a sense of intimacy, and come up with a truly original date, and you'll make it a St. Valentine's Day to remember.
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