Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentine's Day is a fabulously romantic day for showing your date how much you enjoy being with them, but it can be an extremely difficult to decide what to do or where to go. If you've been together for a long time, try to do something completely new, or something that takes you back through your enjoyable memories. If you're still a new couple, then plan to create a wonderful memorable experience together.
Enjoy gazing into an open fire together
If you're lucky enough to be living in a cold climate, then snuggling together in front of a toasty open fire can be a wonderfully romantic thing to do. Whether in your own home, or going for a trip to a nice countryside pub, you can enjoy a nice glass of wine or hot chocolate and just put your feet up and enjoy each other's company.
Got for a walk through nature
Taking a hike or a casual stroll through nature can be a very sensual date experience - with the sight of beautiful plants or panoramic views; the sound of the birds twittering or the wind blowing through the trees; and the naturally beautiful smell of nature, it can only provide a wonderful bonding time together. Take a picnic or a thermos of soup so you can stop somewhere and relax together.
Trips along the river or sea
There are so many different ways to take a boat trip to stimulate the romance - take a punt down the river or hire a rowboat and enjoy a casual cruise. You can also go a step further and take a ferry along the most scenic part of your local river or sea. Alternatively take a lunch or dinner cruise where you can learn about the local sights of your area.
Take in a panoramic view while enjoying a meal
You can enjoy a nice romantic dinner anywhere, but make it memorable by finding a restaurant with panoramic views (and book a window table!). This could be a revolving restaurant in a city, or a well-placed nice restaurant in town. Alternatively, leave the city and head for a panoramic restaurant in the hills or mountains. If you're very adventurous, find a local panoramic spot and take a picnic with you.
Snuggle up and watch some fabulous rom-com movies
Kick everyone out of the house, choose some favourite romantic comedies DVDs, heat up the popcorn, have some nice drinks, and snuggle up on the sofa for the evening. Some classics include When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle, or go for some true oldies with Roman Holiday or The Philadelphia Story.
Have some fun in the outdoors
Reignite those initial feelings of infatuation by choosing a date that makes you joke around like children. Spend some time outdoors with each other enjoying the things you did as children - building a sandcastle or a snowman, having a snowball fight, or a 'splash-fight' at the beach. Bring out the old skates and try that activity for a change.
Try something new together
Its so easy to get very comfortable with the one you love to the point where you only do the same-old things together. Experts often say that couples who stay together for a long time often try new things together and this helps cement their relationship together. So get out there and try a new activity - it could be a cooking class, art workshop, or try an adrenaline-activity like go-karting, parachuting.
Listen to some old mix-tapes over a bottle of wine
Go retro by putting together some new mix-tapes together for your partner (or pulling out the old ones) and sit at home having a great singalong over a bottle of wine. Don't forget to include some romantic ones to mark the occasion of Valentine's Day, and include your partner's favourites to make it even more special.
Splash out at a posh restaurant
It is the classic Valentine's Day date, but for long-term couples, it is a treat to get out and enjoy a wonderful night being waited on. Book early and request a good table. There is something nice about facing each other over candles, and eating some wonderful food and drinking expensive wine. You can completely indulge each other.
Go dancing
Bring out the fun and intimacy in your relationship by going dancing. There are so many styles that there will be something to appeal to you both - find a venue which has some traditional ballroom dancing, heat up the passion in your relationship with some sultry salsa, put on the 50s outfits and go jiving together. Even head to a local club to sweat it out together with the modern dance.
Labels: valentine day dating
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