Saturday, February 13, 2010
St Valentines day is a special day of the year set aside for sweethearts, husbands and wives and lovers embarking on a journey of love, and is celebrated on the 14th of February every year. Unattached singles can register on online dating sites leading up to Valentines day in the hope of getting their fair share of love.
To make the most of your special day, here are some inspirational dating ideas to capture the heart of your Valentine!
Cook together.
Eating out is one of the most obvious and common ways to celebrate Valentines Day. Set the mood at home with candles and wine, select a recipe and have some fun cooking together. A great way to start a memorable evening.
If you both enjoy common interests such as being active try roller skating, ice skating or a theme park to kick off the nights proceedings and catch a bite to eat afterwards.
A picnic.
Its hard to beat a romantic picnic. Pick a nice location such as the Botanic Gardens, a river or the best of all the beach, followed by a dip in the surf at sunset.
Valentines Day Sydney restaurant dating ideas.
Summit Restaurant & Orbit Lounge Bar
Level 47, 264 George Street, Sydney CBD
A famous icon on the Sydney Restaurant scene, Located in the heart of Sydney CBD.
Sydney Tower Restaurant
100 Market Street, Sydney CBD
Australia's tallest and most spectacular revolving restaurants.
Mazzaro Italian Restaurant
Address: 279 Elizabeth Street Sydney CBD
"Nice restaurant good food and ample portions"
Valentines Day Brisbane restaurant dating ideas.
Brasserie on the River, Stamford Plaza Brisbane (cnr Margaret St)
Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
This famous riverside spot - Brasserie on the River, encourages restaurant guests to partake in a very civilized buffet, or perhaps an indulgent chocolate high tea. Sip your cognac and enjoy the terraced gardens and the beautiful Brisbane River.
Zi Bar, 308 Edward Street Brisbane, QLD Australia, 4000
CUISINE: International,
AMBIENCE: Chilled,Relaxed,trendy
Night time enjoy a hip, happening cocktail and wine bar.
QA Hotel, 64 James Street New Farm, QLD Australia, 4005
CUISINE: Modern Australian,
AMBIENCE: Relaxed, friendly, stylish, romantic, contemporary,up beat,Live music.
Valentines Day Melbourne restaurant dating ideas.
Claypots Seafood Restaurant
213 Barkly St
St Kilda 3182 VIC
Phone: (03) 9534 1282
Claypots prides itself on whatever fresh seafood is in season, cooked in a pot - a clay pot that is. A Valentines Day special for seafood lovers!
Bar Santo
7 Fitzroy St
St Kilda 3182 VIC
Phone: (03) 9534 1236
Nothing like experiencing a generous, authentic meal in a relaxed environment that oozes absolute style that's hard to imagine. Bar Santo is just that. Promises to leave you with a contented smile.
Melbourne Wine Room
The George
125 Fitzroy St
St Kilda 3182 VIC
Phone: (03) 9525 5599
Behind the grand, artfully disheveled facade of the George Hotel you will find the Melbourne Wine Room, a tasteful, bastion of fine food, wine and guaranteed to set your night in the right direction.
Labels: valentine day dating
Of all the holidays guys worry about the most, Valentine's Day easily tops the list. There's no more romantic day of the year, except for your anniversary, and women expect a guy to really pull out all the stops for a romantic date. So just how do you make Valentine's day a special as possible? Fear not, we here at Easy Romantic Ideas have you covered. With our list of Romantic Date Ideas for St. Valentine's Day, you'll have all the help you need to make that perfect romantic outing a success.
Since Valentine's Day isn't just your average date, make sure you pay extra attention to the basics. Be on time, and put extra effort into your appearance. Don't let your perfect Valentine's Day be ruined by bad breath, bad hair, or a general lack of style. Always make sure to pick up the bill, too. On a regular date it's ok to offer to pay, but defer if she insists. Not on St. Valentine's Day. No list of Romantic Date Ideas for St. Valentine's Day would be complete without mentioning a few ways to make yourself look the best, so here's a big tip: pick an activity where you can show some real chivalry. The vast majority of women are impressed when a guy opens door, pulls out a chair, and generally behaves like a gentleman. Pick a date where you can really show off just how polished you are.
In addition to being a gentleman, another great Romantic Date Idea for St. Valentine's Day is to find little ways to increase the intimacy of your date. Making extended eye contact and listening intently are the two best ways to foster an intimate atmosphere. Eye contact shows that you're paying attention to her, and builds a sense of trust. Listening intently should always be a part of any date, and the combination of eye contact and active listening will always impress her. Another great way to build intimacy is to share something personal about yourself. Tell her about your dreams, hopes, and aspirations; or share an anecdote that you feel defines you well. You don't want to get too personal, especially if you're on an early date, but let her know who you really are.
The key to coming up with a Romantic Date Idea for St. Valentine's Day is originality. Any guy can make dinner reservations and buy a dozen roses; and most of them do. To make a Valentine's Day date really memorable, show that you understand her interests and tailor the date to show you share them. If she loves art, find an art gallery or museum that's open late and take her there before or after dinner. If she's not one for going out, put a personal spin on the evening by cooking a romantic dinner yourself. Picking an activity that doesn't follow the standard cookie cutter model will show her that you're creative and care about impressing her.
Whatever you choose, a truly Romantic Date Idea for St. Valentine's Day is one that shows you appreciate her interests and go the extra mile to share them with her. Pay attention to all the basic little details, foster a sense of intimacy, and come up with a truly original date, and you'll make it a St. Valentine's Day to remember.
Labels: valentine day dating
Valentine's Date Ideas - Romantic and Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentines Day
0 comments Posted by EMPORI_EXCHANGE at 6:13 PM
If you'll be spending Valentine's Day with someone you love this year, you'll probably want to make it a romantic and memorable day. Here are some great tips to help you along the way on planning that special day with your loved one.
Most people think that to have a great Valentine's Day you must have an extravagant date planned at an expensive restaurant. Even though this would be a great idea it can become quite expensive. However, if you are financially capable, maybe you'll want to book a restaurant that has received good reviews, but don't forget to book ahead since restaurants are usually full if you wait to book at the last minute.
There are many activities you and your special love can do together; depending on where you live maybe you can spend the day at an amusement park where you can enjoy heart-racing rides, cotton candy and decadent food. You might think it a bit childish but you'll laugh and have fun and you might consider going to the bar for a few drinks afterwards or a cafe for some music and coffee.
Now if you are both serious sports fans you might want to go and watch a game together or maybe you prefer to play some one-on-one basketball, there are plenty of activities you can do together like swimming at your local YMCA.
Weather permitting you could spend the day outside, holding hands and going for a walk, you might walk to the beach, which can be fun and romantic too. Maybe a walk in the park or visit your local nature reserve.
How about a fun day at the zoo, it's not only for kids and you get to visit all the animals, a zoo visit is loads of fun and gives you the opportunity of taking goofy and fun pics of the two of you with the different animals.
Another idea is maybe visit an art exhibition you can get to know your local artists and if there is something that interests you maybe you can buy a piece of memorabilia like a poster as a souvenir.
If you're the homebody type maybe rent some movies that both of you will enjoy with some microwavable buttery popcorn. Get out the blankets and just enjoy each other's company. You can also order takeout or make dinner together and include candles and soft music for a nice romantic Valentine's Day at home.
As you can see there are plenty of ways to spend Valentine's Day together from a formal dinner to a fun date. Before making any definite plans discuss with your partner what they would like to do that day while suggesting some of the ideas in this article. Remember that this day does not have to be perfect; the point of this holiday is to have fun and be together.
Labels: valentine day dating
The dating game, even at the best of times, can be a perilous business, filled with misunderstandings, secret signs that have not been picked up upon, and even faux pas; after all, we've all - at some point in our lives - thought that someone was interested, only to discover that it's not actually the case. Similarly, picking the right Valentine's Day Gifts can be tricky, especially if you're thinking of buying Valentine's Day Gifts for someone who doesn't know how you feel.
So, for anyone looking to find themselves the perfect Valentine's Day date - with or without the addition of Valentine's Day Gifts - the essential starting point is to meet someone; and with heavy working schedules, the best places to meet the right person may not be immediately clear. One possible suggestion could be to join an evening class, although it's important to pick the right type of hobby or skill. For example, if you're a man looking to meet a woman, learning a skill that would generally not be of any interest to members of the opposite sex is probably a bad idea. Dance classes could be a great idea though, as there are usually lots of single men and women; it's more than acceptable to ask anyone to dance. Late night shopping could also be a fruitful experience, and you could always pick up some great Valentine's Day Gifts whilst you're there. Other options, such as visiting an art gallery, or going to the theatre could also be worth considering, especially as gift shops also contain useful Valentine's Day Gift ideas.
Once you've managed to find yourself a person whom you like, and seems interested in return, it's time to move onto chatting them up. While it's perfectly okay to include light banter about appropriate - or indeed disastrous - Valentine's Day Gifts, there are some general pointers worth remembering. Always avoid using any one of the cheesy chat up lines you're bound to know; no matter how great it might seem to ask a girl if she works for UPS - because she looks like she's checking out your package - it's unlikely to yield the results you expect. Jokes connected with Valentine's Day Gifts are a bad idea too. It's also a good idea to ask questions, and to be genuinely interested in the answers; she might even have a few hints for possible Valentine's Day Gifts, providing everything works out well.
Assuming that all has gone well, and you've progressed to the actual date, it's a good idea to do a little preparation in advance to make sure everything goes smoothly. Aside from small talk about possible Valentine's Day Gifts, make sure you've got a few conversational tricks up your sleeve; hobbies, travelling, likes, dislikes and even food can be possible areas for conversation, as long as you use your imagination. The most important thing to remember though is to relax, and to be yourself. After all, you're both there to have a good time.
But how do you know that you're doing well, and that you're making all of the right impressions? Indeed, how do you know if the person you're on that date with feels as positively as you do? Especially if you've not had any Valentine's Day Gifts or cards from them? The secret is in the body language of the person you're hopefully enjoying the date with. When it comes to flirting, experts recommend that individuals look out for signals such as the direction of hands and feet - apparently, when we find an individual attractive, we tend to point towards them with body parts such as hands and feet - flashes of eyebrows and the mirroring of body language. It is also claimed that the areas of the body we look at widen when we find an individual attractive - although they might be looking to see if you're hiding any interesting Valentine's Day Gifts; friends might look at each other's eyes, nose and mouth, but flirtatious individuals apparently tend to widen their gaze to other areas of the body, and might spend a large amount of time looking at their love interest's mouth. And, apparently, people blink more often when they find an individual more attractive. It would seem then, that even in the absence of Valentine's Day Gifts, all of the right messages can be given off; you both just need to make sure you're paying attention. Of course, a great Valentine's Day Gift would probably help no end too.
Labels: valentine day dating
Valentine's Day is a fabulously romantic day for showing your date how much you enjoy being with them, but it can be an extremely difficult to decide what to do or where to go. If you've been together for a long time, try to do something completely new, or something that takes you back through your enjoyable memories. If you're still a new couple, then plan to create a wonderful memorable experience together.
Enjoy gazing into an open fire together
If you're lucky enough to be living in a cold climate, then snuggling together in front of a toasty open fire can be a wonderfully romantic thing to do. Whether in your own home, or going for a trip to a nice countryside pub, you can enjoy a nice glass of wine or hot chocolate and just put your feet up and enjoy each other's company.
Got for a walk through nature
Taking a hike or a casual stroll through nature can be a very sensual date experience - with the sight of beautiful plants or panoramic views; the sound of the birds twittering or the wind blowing through the trees; and the naturally beautiful smell of nature, it can only provide a wonderful bonding time together. Take a picnic or a thermos of soup so you can stop somewhere and relax together.
Trips along the river or sea
There are so many different ways to take a boat trip to stimulate the romance - take a punt down the river or hire a rowboat and enjoy a casual cruise. You can also go a step further and take a ferry along the most scenic part of your local river or sea. Alternatively take a lunch or dinner cruise where you can learn about the local sights of your area.
Take in a panoramic view while enjoying a meal
You can enjoy a nice romantic dinner anywhere, but make it memorable by finding a restaurant with panoramic views (and book a window table!). This could be a revolving restaurant in a city, or a well-placed nice restaurant in town. Alternatively, leave the city and head for a panoramic restaurant in the hills or mountains. If you're very adventurous, find a local panoramic spot and take a picnic with you.
Snuggle up and watch some fabulous rom-com movies
Kick everyone out of the house, choose some favourite romantic comedies DVDs, heat up the popcorn, have some nice drinks, and snuggle up on the sofa for the evening. Some classics include When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle, or go for some true oldies with Roman Holiday or The Philadelphia Story.
Have some fun in the outdoors
Reignite those initial feelings of infatuation by choosing a date that makes you joke around like children. Spend some time outdoors with each other enjoying the things you did as children - building a sandcastle or a snowman, having a snowball fight, or a 'splash-fight' at the beach. Bring out the old skates and try that activity for a change.
Try something new together
Its so easy to get very comfortable with the one you love to the point where you only do the same-old things together. Experts often say that couples who stay together for a long time often try new things together and this helps cement their relationship together. So get out there and try a new activity - it could be a cooking class, art workshop, or try an adrenaline-activity like go-karting, parachuting.
Listen to some old mix-tapes over a bottle of wine
Go retro by putting together some new mix-tapes together for your partner (or pulling out the old ones) and sit at home having a great singalong over a bottle of wine. Don't forget to include some romantic ones to mark the occasion of Valentine's Day, and include your partner's favourites to make it even more special.
Splash out at a posh restaurant
It is the classic Valentine's Day date, but for long-term couples, it is a treat to get out and enjoy a wonderful night being waited on. Book early and request a good table. There is something nice about facing each other over candles, and eating some wonderful food and drinking expensive wine. You can completely indulge each other.
Go dancing
Bring out the fun and intimacy in your relationship by going dancing. There are so many styles that there will be something to appeal to you both - find a venue which has some traditional ballroom dancing, heat up the passion in your relationship with some sultry salsa, put on the 50s outfits and go jiving together. Even head to a local club to sweat it out together with the modern dance.
Labels: valentine day dating